What would happen when I close this switch

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What would happen if I close the switch on the left?



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Nothing, maybe if one wire had more resistance than the other the current would follow the path of least resistance
Nothing, maybe if one wire had more resistance than the other the current would follow the path of least resistance

Thats what I thought but the program gives me a "Matrix Error" Must be programming error or something.

Now what would happen(in real life) if the switch on the left were connected to another identical 5Volt batter?

What about a 9v?
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Now you are talking about computer simulation problems.

Just an artifact of how the program is computing things. Division by zero, too quick rate of change for compution step size, etc. are some examples why a simulation program aborts a run.

A good deal of electronic engineers time is spend debugging simulation programs to find out why it is aborting run.

Sometimes just puting in a small value resistor or small capacitor somewhere in the circuit fixes it.

MOSFET circuits are notorious for having simulation difficulties.
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In theory you would get 25 Ma going down each leg of the split in the circuit.
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