What's happened to the back button?

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When I hit the back button it no longer works. To go back a page I have to click it quickly twice.

I.E 8.0.6, XP Pro.

Edit, it's only on this site.

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I had a problem like that some months ago, it seemed to be caused by some kind on virus/malware which my computer had picked up on our travels.

Sometimes a single click on the back arrow was sufficient, at other times it required two clicks.

I took quite a bit of fiddling with various anti-virus programs before I got rid of it.

As you click on the back button, look at the tool tip text, it should show something about where you expect to go back to, see the attachment.
If I remember correctly, when I had the problem the tool tip said something about "doubleclick".



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My history does contain a doubleclick address. Maybe I have some malware. Time to go looking.

Edit, doubleclick is something to do with the google adds and not malware. But, why is it in my history!!



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I've been looking around the internet for this issue as I couldn't duplicate it. It does seem to be a problem with the Google adverts.

I'll keep trawling to try and find a solution. It is strange that you are the only one with the issue. I'm wondering if Google have dropped support for your browser..

This problem went away but reappeared yesterday. Did something get changed yesterday?

Hi mike,

The only thing I changed was I removed the Google +1 button. Apart from that nothing else should have changed. I must apologize though, I can only imagine how frustrating these problems are for you. I know I change the site a lot :-]

Do you use any kind of addons for IE? I'll try and figure this one out as I recently created a test enviroment for your setup

I've had this problem on occasions, too, on a WinXPHome/Firefox system. IIRC it seems to occur after editing a post and can result in a closed loop of pages. A double-click escapes from the loop. IIRC also, it sometimes happens if I try scrolling through a page while the ads are still downloading (which takes forever....have you noticed the trail of sites through which they pass?).
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