whats the difference between assembly language and HLA

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New Member
what is the difference between assembly language and high level assembly(HLA). i wanted to know about this because i downloaded an ebook named "The art of assembly language programming" and it talks about HLA.

and one thing more, will i be able to write code for PICs in HLA
samcheetah said:
i downloaded an ebook named "The art of assembly language programming" and it talks about HLA.
seems to me that this book is for x86 desktop pc's. (if i remember it correctly)

as far as i know pic's can be programmed in low level assembly. next to it would be c.
yes spyghost this book is written for the x86 microprocessors. i just thought that it looked easy to start with. and i wanted to know if i could do some programming for the PIC with it.

samcheetah said:
yes spyghost this book is written for the x86 microprocessors. i just thought that it looked easy to start with. and i wanted to know if i could do some programming for the PIC with it.


It would be no use for learning PIC assembler, it would be like buying a book on speaking Chinese to help you learn Greek 8)
yup, nigel is right... x86 assembly is "assembly language" is its sense, but pic assembly is definitely for pic alone...
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