Hi again, looking at your posting times it seems stamina is another of your strong traits alongside patience. Enviable
I have to do "things for her indoors" this morning, but I have a feeling you are onto something here as when I touch pins 10 or 12 on the driver IC it seems to break into some sort of oscillation. I also see small 50Hz spikes on the 50V supply. I have tamed this substantially by winding both 50V leads through an FT240-43 ferrite ring, but I think the material is sub optimal. I did think the schematic I built to seem sparse on de-coupling caps. I have the IC's socketed and have spares, so will solder direct to the pins of the IC's I do have 100nF (o.1uF) ceramics. I will add these. I have a 100nF poly film across the 12v supply pin to the little PCB that I bought off the designer in the USA. He seems to have disappeared, so I will either have to make my own or use perfboard that has a ground on one side to make any more. So a film cap is no good for de coupling? I didn't know that, I will brush up on this! Looking at which pins you say to de-couple, I realise the *5V* supply has no de-coupling at all, and presumably that's "more sensitive" to disturbance? I am learning slowly from all this, it's fascinating and useful, thank you very much indeed. I'll be back when I have done my jobs, not sure how long, probably mid afternoon. I'll post a photo of the build, that's looking a bit ropey now due to various mods and fiddling, I will rebuild once it's sorted.