...I have had electronics in my blood since around the age of 10 years old. I remember breaking things just to find out what was "in the box'...
TV Tech
I remembered my childhood too. I also broke lots of components to see that what is the thing inside the package.
I broke resistors and got nothing. I found plates on capacitor, broke 2N3055 metal case big transistor and got just only Big case but almost empty inside. But I never tried to break TO-92 case transistors because they were not attractive in looks for me and I used to think that they are not more important thing there because it had very less numbers around whole device. I broke an EHT transformer of TV and I broke lots of batteries. Blasted many button cell batteries (non-rechargeable) by re-charging on power supply.
Still I am breaking components to find how they are manufactured and how they works
. Few months ago I broke TO-220 transistor and got small chip, it looks like amazing!! I tested few segments of there and got 0.6V diode voltage drop! It was working!
Few months ago I broke an Optocoupler carefully to get a phototransistor separately from there. It was so hard and complicated combination then so failed hehehe
I broke a Germenium diode and get a tiny germenium chip and a spring wire. Now I have this chip and wire only. When I pointed the wire to the chip manually, every time it works perfectly and no more pressure adjust needed! Wow!
I will break ceramic filters, crystals, big DIP ICs, big diodes, MOSFETs etc because I never tried with them before.
UPDATE: Till the date of 2016, I broke a big 32 pin RAM chip but inside got a tiny piece of chip like a small rice. I broke a ceramic filter and got some pieces inside, looked like a small toy instead of a electronics part. I broke condenser Mic capsules and got some nice JFETs and voice detecting element. I broke TO-92 too, and got three legs and a small ball inside like a ball point pen have. I broke LEDs but never can get its chip. Because when I break its package, all the thing inside got broken. I broke Li-ion battery and got a meter long metal ribbon.
At last: I am not an Evil of the electronics, all the parts broken by was damaged already. I love parts maybe more than necessary so I am still keeping some leg (lead) broken transistors, mosfets, even ICs and many damaged transistors. Actually it looks so sweet! So it does not matter that it's damaged or alive.