When Harry met Meghan... photos

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So, in addition to a legion of people claiming they personally saw some of the whoopty-doo on Saturday but weren't there, it turns out, there were also a bunch of people who were there but didn't see anything live and in person.

The Gigapixel image of the happy couple turning up the "long walk" shows that not all people are good at watching royal events.

Here is a woman who should have stayed home in the comfort of her living room and watched the event on TV -since that is how she is watching the event unfolding in front of her. To all parents out there, watch your kids grow up, don't watch them through your phone.

These ladies (circled in yellow) had to go to the bathroom just as the happy couple turned in front of him -he didn't see them...

This happy group was watching on a big screen TV (mounted at the end of the "Long walk" while sitting in the grass -they could have literally stood up to watch it in real life. There were three rows of people between them and the road but the happy couple was sitting up high in a carriage so they would have been easy to see.

Let me know what else you find. Note that you can zoom into the castle at the end of the 2.5 mile "long walk" and see the guards at the door of the castle. There is a lot to see in that image.

Note, the Gigapixel process is not instantaneous and some "stitching" is done and not all are taken at the same time. This poor woman ended up with three eyes. I am sure there was a Star Trek episode with a teleporter-related issue and a similar result. They figured out a solution by the end of the episode so she just has to call William Shattner and he can help her - I'm sure she'll be fine.

This cat which seems to be a world’s longest cat have 16 feet. All this happened when a Redditor decided to take a panoramic picture of his living room. At the same time his cat decided to go for a walk and started roaming around the room. The cat was moving almost with the same speed as of the camera and as a result that picture showed a cat with 16 feet. The name given to this long cat was “CAT-erpillar.”

Even today, here, no surprise there is people watching soccer at the stadium while listening about the game on their radio (mobile phone).
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