Old family information says my grandfathers older brother was a radio operator during WWI. What type transmitter was used in WWI? My guess is morse code? If there was a transmitter there had to be a receiver. When were voice transmitter and receivers also transceivers invented? All the old WWII movies show CW.
Online is not clear, they say something was transmitted but don't say, voice or CW code?
In 1894, Marconi built a device that could ring a bell from 30 feet away.
In 1895, Marconi transmitted a Morse code message over a kilometer away.
In 1896, Marconi patented his wireless telegraphy system in England.
In 1901, Marconi transmitted the first signal across the Atlantic Ocean.
In 1906, Marconi and Ferdinand Braun won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contributions to wireless telegraphy.
Marconi's work was based on the work of other scientists, including James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz, and Oliver Lodge.
In February 1907 music was transmitted electronic telharmonium music from a laboratory.
July 1907 ship-to-shore transmission.
The Dutch company Nederlandsche Radio-Industrie and its owner-engineer, Hanso Idzerda, made its first regular entertainment radio broadcast over station PCGG from its workshop in The Hague on 6 November 1919. The company manufactured both transmitters and receivers.
"In 1900, construction began on a large radio transmitting alternator. Fessenden, experimenting with a high-frequency spark transmitter, successfully transmitted speech on 23 December 1900, over a distance of about 1.6 kilometres (0.99 mi), the first audio radio transmission. Early in 1901 the Weather Bureau officially installed Fessenden at Wier's Point, Roanoke Island, North Carolina, and he made experimental transmissions across water to a station located about 5 miles (8.0 km) west of Cape Hatteras, the distance between the two stations being roughly 50 miles (80 km).[154] An alternator of 1 kW output at 10 kilohertz was built in 1902. The credit for the development of this machine is due to Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Caryl D. Haskins, Ernst Alexanderson, John T. H. Dempster, Henry Geisenhoner, Adam Stein, Jr., and F. P. Mansbendel.[31]"