Where are the Relay Terminals?

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Active Member
How can anyone explain this diagram? B 24 means "24 V dc", N 24 means ground. What is the relay doing? Where are the other terminals of the relay?
What is the type of the relay? NC or NO? I'm trying to figure out some things in electronics circuits after a long time. Can anyone help me out in understanding?

You will probably find "JR" Contacts somewhere else on the schematic.
They like to separate the coil control circuit from the controlled contacts circuit.
In this Onan generator schematic, the K104 crank relay is separated that way and the K105 run relay.
looks like a ladder schematic or PLC program.
The contacts will be elsewhere probably with the ref Jr on them, ladder contacts look like a capacitor symbol for normally open and the same but with a line strike through for normally closed.
Thanks for the replies. There is no explanations about the relay and the terminals. These are used in relay interlocking in railways.
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