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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Where is the Peeps

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Well-Known Member
Been awhile since I visited this forum. Just wondering, have not seen any post from 3VO or EricGibbs, where they be?
Hey Mike, great to see you!

Both are still around, though Eric has been posting more at AAC lately. 3v0 and Eric both pop into chat relatively frequently, so if you want to stop in, you are more than welcome!

There were several huge changes in administration, moderation, forum rules, site layout, etc a while back. Lots of misunderstandings and nasty arguments took place, and some people seemed to disappear. I left for a while but was somehow drawn back in a few months later.

I'm not sure if you heard, but ETO has new owners now, and I have noticed a large influx of new members, but I don't see much from a lot of the older members anymore.

How have you been?

hi Mike,
Glad to hear you are OK, as am I.:)
I post very little to ETO, the site went down hill a few months ago, hopefully the new owners can breath some life back into ETO.

Most of the previous experienced 'helpers' have moved onto other more technically interesting forums.

Been awhile since I visited this forum. Just wondering, have not seen any post from 3VO or EricGibbs, where they be?

Hi Mike

3V0 handles chat and apparently Eric also pops in there from time to time.

Otherwise in the last few Months ETO is nice and stable. No drama since the new owners took over.
EM held the reigns here for a while when the new owners were taking over and made sure that he listened to members complaints about intrusive ads etc..

So ETO is much like it has always been. Nice and clean.

hi Mike,
Glad to hear you are OK, as am I.:)
I post very little to ETO, the site went down hill a few months ago, hopefully the new owners can breath some life back into ETO.

Most of the previous experienced 'helpers' have moved onto other more technically interesting forums.


Hi Eric

Down hill no. We are fine. "Helpers" are here still. Trying their best still. Dedicated to ETO as a Community.
The best are still here. And are happy.

Believe me....."
Most of the previous experienced 'helpers' have moved onto other more technically interesting forums"

Don't kid yourself.

Everyone is here still.
hi tv,
I am not kidding myself, if you have any doubts, look at the website ratings lists and performance graphs [ its not in the top 80,000 anymore], also the number of members online at anytime and the drop in new posts.
As a Moderator I used to monitor and record ETO's attendance and postings statistics.

Also read what other ex-helpers have given as their reason for moving on.

If you choose to ignore whats happening, thats your choice, but kidding yourself that nothing is wrong will just make the situation worse.
Burying your head the sand and whistling thru the whole of the afternoon will not get the changes that are needed.

I hope that the new owners, once they have settled in, will come up with some creative ideas to make the site more technically interesting, so that myself and the other ex-pats will come back.

There are only 4 members on this morning, only 1 is an experienced 'helper' [Pommie]

There is no one on the Chatline.
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I would not hold out much hope that Design World/Design World Resource will be communicative. It certainly is not on EDA Board. Gulson (previous owner), despite how busy he was, would still reply to operational questions; Design World has not.

Hi Eric

Public Holiday here so I have time on my hands during normal working hours today..

Here is the thing. You are still here, watching and all. Not like you have deserted ETO. Maybe you just don't feel up to helping anymore after what happened to you..



The level of one's participation in any forum is controlled by that person. I know it's an obvious statement and it will remain the truthful. It crosses all human interaction, not just forums.

Each has their own threshold detectors to bound their personal participation.

I visit the following forums at least monthly:

Electronics Forum
Electronics Lab
Electronics Point

Sometimes, I just collect personal research data, some for a higher participation rate, from lurking to active participation. Each has their own niche on this World Wide Web.

There certainly are arena where the various forums step in each other's sandbox. There are common members interlaced throughout some of the forums. Eric's desire to be with a more technical oriented forum is certainly his right. He has his own metrics on the use of his time, just like you.

All you need is to look at one's join date and their number of posts. You can extract a certain level of participation from that. You certainly have me beat hands down with the metric posts per membership day. Without access to the whole membership data on those two metrics, you can't see any trends. The membership number alone is not a good metric because it does not truly reflect participation level. Most VB forums allowed members to view the membership list. That list included the usual name and email. The items I looked at was date joined, date last visited, and number of posts.

Forums only survive when:
- you get people's interest
- you get people to the site
- you get people to register
- you get people to post

Each are declining numbers. Search engines provide the first by impressing your sites name based on your search terms. Your "description" must grab the searchers attention to get the people to visit your site. Their interest must be such that they "register", and what they experience might get them to post. There is a term called conversion. When is someone converted from visitor to registered or poster is up to the forum owner validate their metrics. Some forums do not allow open membership lists, I suspect that trend is because of the harvesting of the email addresses. In place of you doing your own work, you have what we see today, Your name is on two of the lists in the members tab.

If you looked at the google statistics, you'd find that for "shopping" websites, in the third quarter of 2012, there were 232 million ad impressions, with 12.1 clicks (5.23%) and an estimated 434K (3.58%) in sales. Sales is the conversion. I don't know what the owners call a conversion here. It could be just registering so their "membership" number is higher.

The level of one's participation in any forum is controlled by that person. I know it's an obvious statement and it will remain the truthful. It crosses all human interaction, not just forums.

Each has their own threshold detectors to bound their personal participation.

I visit the following forums at least monthly:

Electronics Forum
Electronics Lab
Electronics Point

Sometimes, I just collect personal research data, some for a higher participation rate, from lurking to active participation. Each has their own niche on this World Wide Web.

There certainly are arena where the various forums step in each other's sandbox. There are common members interlaced throughout some of the forums. Eric's desire to be with a more technical oriented forum is certainly his right. He has his own metrics on the use of his time, just like you.

All you need is to look at one's join date and their number of posts. You can extract a certain level of participation from that. You certainly have me beat hands down with the metric posts per membership day. Without access to the whole membership data on those two metrics, you can't see any trends. The membership number alone is not a good metric because it does not truly reflect participation level. Most VB forums allowed members to view the membership list. That list included the usual name and email. The items I looked at was date joined, date last visited, and number of posts.

Forums only survive when:
- you get people's interest
- you get people to the site
- you get people to register
- you get people to post

Each are declining numbers. Search engines provide the first by impressing your sites name based on your search terms. Your "description" must grab the searchers attention to get the people to visit your site. Their interest must be such that they "register", and what they experience might get them to post. There is a term called conversion. When is someone converted from visitor to registered or poster is up to the forum owner validate their metrics. Some forums do not allow open membership lists, I suspect that trend is because of the harvesting of the email addresses. In place of you doing your own work, you have what we see today, Your name is on two of the lists in the members tab.

If you looked at the google statistics, you'd find that for "shopping" websites, in the third quarter of 2012, there were 232 million ad impressions, with 12.1 clicks (5.23%) and an estimated 434K (3.58%) in sales. Sales is the conversion. I don't know what the owners call a conversion here. It could be just registering so their "membership" number is higher.

WOW. Good post Joe. I don't know what to say except maybe give you a "like"
You investigate things thoroughly. And make us all wiser.

Keep teaching. I am all ears.

OK. Here is how it rolls.

One screenshot of ETO. One of AAC. Around five minutes apart.

Stuffed this up. Will post pics later. EDIT: Much later...
Apparently ETO is busier than AAC before 18H00...

Irfanview dropped me.....I made the screenshots too small. Even I cannot make sense of them :banghead:

I will try again another day :facepalm:
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One screenshot of ETO. One of AAC. Around five minutes apart.

I thought that you were going to follow that with a statement that is was:
all the same posters,
asking the same questions,
with a never ending conclusion,
being answered by the same "helpers" (?)
beating their brains out,
because the guy asking the question will never understand,
or is just a plain old techno-troll.

Cynical? Moi!

If you eliminated any post dealing with a "555", mosfet won't work, or LEDs, there would be nothing left to compare.

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You are right there John.

The LED is the most complex electronic device ever invented.

Apparently ETO is busier than AAC before 18H00...

Personally I don't take too much stock in hour by hour ... for the reasons JimB mentioned. Even my "monthly" snapshots don't mean nothing without context. I've seen where the opposite occurred. Considering the time zones, the major colleges in that time zone, and the number of students that inquire can vary. You can look at the "online now" figures for a whole 24 hours and probably surmise a very good reason for that activity level. Don't forget to look at your GLOBE and the respective time zones.

Hour by hour analysis is good for bars and restaurants, not forums.

At any hour of the day, forum A can beat forum B. diyAudio is an active forum, my guess is because of the content and narrow focus. AudioGuru hangs out there. Those that tout a homework section show lots of membership but those that "ask" rarely hang around after one month. I took a snapshot of two forums in Nov of 2013 and was hoping to replicate that same snapshot in two months ... but ... one of the forums threw me a curveball and changed software. I was somewhat surprised at the results.

The plan was simple. Capture the membership who had visited the previous 92 days (13 weeks --- a calendar quarter). I graphed where each visitor was by membership day.

There is a core group that hangs with the forum after a year. The narrowly focused "small" forum beat the "large" forum for the long term membership.


  • membership-length.png
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Anyway Guys....."we" are getting older....

Speaking strictly for myself here....these days people want everything handed to them on a work required.

Ask a question and a forum out there will be able to answer it. The trick is finding the right Forum....

What happened to good old trusty books that I used, loved and cherished???. Actually reading and understanding. Reading the page and carefully turning over to the next one....Books were where I come from. Not the damn Internet where there are chancers everywhere...

Look at a few Indian sites out there.....

Even thinking about this stuff makes me angry. Half the youngsters in the World today cannot even type properly...mostly SMS talk...they fail English at school...

Enough before I explode.

A point about the Asian membership, it was the highest percentage in ETO activity for some time, but due to one or two xenophobic members handing out constant racial insults, it dropped almost to zero.
Look here:

If the forum allows SMS talk ... that is their prerogative. I typically won't respond, other than tell the poster to use complete sentences.
Sure Eric.

The Asian people need a Forum like ETO's help. Willingly given in the days when you were a Mod here..

But..and once again I speak for myself...have they really learned anything with all the time spent??
Remember RK...kept asking the same things over again and again...

He needed to buy a book. Study it. And then come back here.

Asians where using mathematics and studying astronomy, when Europeans were still rubbing two sticks together to make fire.
They currently have a space craft on the way to Mars.!

With regard to Ritesh, perhaps he did drive us a little crazy at times, but just think of the spin off to other members reading the threads.
I admire his tenacity in spite of all the flak some members gave him.

Remember whats been said so many times: If it or someone bothers you, just ignore!

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