Where to find symbols in microsogt word

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New Member

May i know where can i find the symbols of triple integration and A with a vector arrow on top? Where can i find the symbols in word? or how do i go about creating it?
im not familar with that particular symbol, but im in no doubt it will be there.

In microsoft word


You will find what you need in there
well if my spelling is causing such a problem, mabey i should stop trying to help people, but lets be honest - it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what I meant.

I was only trying to help, and it was another 3 hours and 6 minutes before anyone else chimed in. (with a nice guide to installing it - if its not installed as standard.

On a side note - i dont use it - i use mathtype - by the people who made the equation editor for microsoft - and its much better.

Oh I have attached a screen cap of what your looking for.


  • tempscreen3.GIF
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Chill out, gangsta. I wasn't criticizing you. I was just making a valid point. Anybody can make spelling errors. If he had followed your link, he should have found it anyway, if his Word installation has it. On the other hand, if he tried searching Help, he probably wouldn't have found it, due to the spelling error. I'm pretty sure shermaine's first language is not English, so he would have been unlikely to notice the spelling error.
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