Where/what country are members from here..

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Weston Super Mare, North Somerset, UK; medium sized sea-side resort (population about 75K) on the south west coast, about 25 miles south west of Bristol city.
Richmond Hill, ON, Canada
  • near large park with long paved walks with creek
  • formerly greenhouse country
  • quiet suburb N. of Toronto
  • Pop. 200k Native language 42% English, rest are Persian, Chinese, Jewish, Italian, Russian, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Scottish , East Indian etc.
  • 2 Universities
  • Avg Home: $650k, 15%/yr growth 50% with University degree.
  • Avg 2010 income: $70k
  • 50% Christian, 25% None, 11% Muslim, 6% Jewish, 3% Buddhist, 3% Hindu etc
  • 6 Golf Courses
Classy name; Richmond Hill. Sounds like heaven. What does greenhouse country mean- not local global warming? No French speakers?

What about some pictures on this thread?

Like your Xmas hat too- DerStromB has really started something.
Perhaps we could have a best Xmas hat competition, but DerStromB, even though a super mod, could not be one of the judges- he has a vested interest.
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Classy name; Richmond Hill. Sounds like heaven.

Depends on your perspective .. .. .. Richmond Hill, London is the only piece of english territory protected by an Act of Parliament because it was the favoured hunting ground of Charles I .. .. .. so if you're a deer probably not too classy !

Also, recently released to public domain WW2 german documents revealed that had the 1940 invasion been successful, the Royal Star and Garter Home, built on top of Richmond Hill in 1924 would have been Gestapo Headquarters .. .. .. .I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions from that one .. ..

Of course, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada has an entirely different pedigree .. .. .. Tony Stewart lives there !

You learn so much on ETO- not just electronics.
What that mean? Are there such people who have no religion? Interesting!

I am a Hindu and Buddha was born in my country.

Hi Willen,

We are getting into dangerous territory here.

In the UK 44.7% are not religious.
The real figure is much higher than that. The survey asked what religeion are you. Most people have a formal religion in the UK, because it is part of the establishment and you are allocated a denomination by your parents; it is important for births, marriages, and deaths. It is still the case now, that you can't do some things if you are not a specific denomination.

Shocked? I remember the time when my mate said there was no god. I stepped back because I feared he would be struck by lightning on the spot. I was as shocked as when another mate had told me there was no Father Christmas.

In the UK, religion is like a big family- some of the nicest and most intelligent people I have ever met have been religious. What I hate is people who carry out atrocities in the name of religion of any flavour. This has been the case since man was first made. We all have our beliefs; it's a great shame that it just can't be left that way without all the hate generated by so called religeon.

The new religion is now global warming and the sceptics are called 'non believers' and 'global warming deniers'- if you don't have facts, revert to scares and ad homonym attacks. If this had been a couple of hundred years ago, global warming deniers would have been burnt at the stake- or perhaps not because of the adverse effect on the planet- maybe tortured to death in some eco-friendly way.
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In the UK, religion is like a big family- some of the nicest people I have ever met have been religious.
I agree with that.

The down side is there are those religious people who are "in your face" with there religion with every other word they say.
Those people get up my nose.

What I hate is people who carry out atrocities in the name of religion of any flavour.
I agree with that.

This has been the case since man was first made.
The new religion is now global warming
Through the ages, organised religion has been used by a few as a method of control of the masses.


We are getting into dangerous territory here.
Wearing my "Moderators Hard Hat", I agree with that.
Let keep it civil.
I agree with that.

...The down side is there are those religious people who are "in your face" with there religion with every other word they say.
Those people get up my nose...

Me too at one time, but now I enjoy their company. We have a group of Quaker girls from the States visit the house about twice a year- nice looking and perfectly charming too. They say a little prayer for me.. and I say one for them.

Through the ages, organised religion has been used by a few as a method of control of the masses.

Yes, and to gain social advantage and so on. But on the other side of the coin, genuine religious people have done an awful lot of good in the world

Let's keep it civil.

Fully agree- facts only

...Wearing my "Moderators Hard Hat" ...
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What that mean? Are there such people who have no religion? Interesting!

I am a Hindu and Buddha was born in my country.

Perhaps Christian values like "respect others", the "Golden Rule" & the 15 ,oops, 10 commandments but don't need any rituals or church, which may also apply the the 50%. Otherwise, Church is for those who appreciate the social gathering, baptisms, funerals and weddings. I think, free will and choice ought to be the norm with a broad educated experience and perception, but personal beliefs are often created by illusions, repetition and fear.

I love the architecture of the BAPS temple outside Toronto. There's dozens like it around the world,, all in debt from the cost of 10 thousand sculptors.
Richmond Hill is like most bedroom communities, far away from freeways, which are over capacity. I once made 50 jars of apple jam from a remnant crabapple tree in the park nearby where farmers once lived. Most of the big farms to the North use migrant workers who only speak Spanish. There are tall apartment complexes being built everywhere on major streets and not enough freeway capacity as it is even with 6 to 8 lanes each direction. But lots of restaurants , but I dont bother much as home cooked persian-armenian food is now my staple, unless I BBQ with my Thai-Carribean style jerk chicken far different than my mother's english bland meat , potatoes and over-cooked veggies.

Our latest family addition.... now 12 wks old is a black Schnoodle.
named Princess Molly after previous dog Molly , by unanimous vote of 3 grand-daughters.
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Very perceptive. Some of the nicest and most intelligent people I have met are not religious. The 10 commandments are a good guide. I think the overriding one though is, Do unto others as .... That seems to encompass the all the others too.

The majority of people in UK are acquiescent and never give religion a thought. It plays no part in their lives. But if asked they say I am Church of England, Roman Catholic, Methodist and so on. When I was an RAF apprentice I was an honoury Roman Catholic. The RC club had the best snooker tables, the best coffee bar, the best music, and the squadron leader father was a real scream, but very dedicated.

I love the architecture of the BAPS temple outside Toronto. There's dozens like it around the world,, all in debt from the cost of 10 thousand sculptors.

You are making my mouth water

Vietnamese, Bangladeshi, Italian, and Brit food here. WSM is packed with clubs, hotels, restaurants, pubs, and bars, all within 10 minutes walk, so no problem with drink driving and getting taxis.

Our latest family addition.... now 12 wks old is a black Schnoodle.
named Princess Molly after previous dog Molly , by unanimous vote of 3 grand-daughters.

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