Which C compiler do you use for PIC mcu ?

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Just curious as to what c compilers do you guys use ?

I've used both c18 and ccs pic c. I've stuck to c18 for a good deal of time, since most of the app notes on microchips are for c18 and since I learned PICs by reading the datasheet and starting off in asm, having access to SFR was important.

I started using CCS lately. They have alot of inbuilt functions which I believe surpass C18 and the level of optimization is very good. However, they're approach is to use their inbuilt functions to access the SFR which at times can be confusing since the header files dont really tell you whats going on. But when you learn it, and figure out how to get control to the SFR, its really good. I love it.

CCS > C18.

plus another advantage is that one compiler is used for all pic micros whereas c18 is for 18 and dspic series.

So what do you use ? Why ? pros ? Cons ?
I gave off CCS & started the free version of C18.Because I need an ANSI standard compiler.

In CCS some bit oriented commands pretty odd for me when comparing with other compilers ex: "pin_B0==0"

Brilliant programmers doesn't like much more built in functions,libraries on compilers, they can write more on a compact way.
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I use C18 and BoostC and I'm tending to favour BoostC as it will do both 16 and 18 series chips. I also tend not to use built in functions as they take longer to figure out than to write my own.


that exactly the question I am having now. I am using WIZ-C from Fored electronic and love it for the simplicity of its use and as you I don't like to use build in library.

But from one week I had big trouble with it and the use of the LCD library (the only one I use). My application is not so big (3000 word), but in some situation the LCD display nothing. I am unable to locate the problem, various thing same play like :
  • code optimization type
  • modification of some variable type
  • removing some part of the code

As I did not find a lot of help from Fored, I am looking for alternative, but not too expensive and in C.

Any suggestion ?
SourceBoost works for me.
Its very cheap, has efficient optimization and does not stray too far from the ISO standard so if needs be you can ignore the "enhancements" and write ISO compatable code.
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