Which C compiler?

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Active Member
I'm looking for recommendations for a C compiler. I'm mainly playing with the Junebug tutor (18F1320) and I've also got a few smaller chips that I intend on using.

What C compiler are people using? The syntax in this thread looks nice, and appears to be used by a few people on the forums. I don't mind paying a small (<£50) amount, but compilers with limited code size versions would probably suffice me fine.
I'm new and I started using MikroC and im liking it, but I find that not many people use it.

I find it the simplest one to understand, but the commands seem to be different than regular C.
I think you will find most of the c tutorials written for the Junebug use C18. Mine are written in C18 and BoostC. BoostC is a very good compiler.
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MikroC is nice, it covers small pic's also, but it is not free... and all libraries are closed source. Additionally mikroC is not mplab compatible and you cannot debug the app with standard tools (like pickit2 for example) but you need mikroE icd.

If you are going to use pic18F, use C18, it is free, it is standard and it works

That looks like C18. The price if I recall, is about $500 US, however the student version is free, and works well for most. It is only for the 18xxx chips.

I use Source Boost, and paid about $70 US for the full compiler (no limits on code size and all 8 bit families.) It is competing with HiTech C, which is about $1000 for each family - so $2000US for the HiTech 8 bit C.

If I were you, I would download the free versions of all of them, and try them out. Then decide which you like best.
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BeeBop, C18 is 500$ if you want "Full version". The student version is free and the only difference is optimisation. So after 60 days (after trial) the compiler is functional (no code size limit etc) only without optimizations...
BeeBop, C18 is 500$ if you want "Full version". The student version is free and the only difference is optimisation. So after 60 days (after trial) the compiler is functional (no code size limit etc) only without optimizations...

Ooops. Thanks, Arhi, I missed the word free, and now is corrected.
I think you will find most of the c tutorials written for the Junebug use C18. Mine are written in C18 and BoostC. BoostC is a very good compiler.

Thanks, looks like I'll try C18 for now. When I start using some of the smaller devices I can worry about ASM vs. a different compiler.
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