Which computer programs are best for electronics

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New Member
Hello i'ld like to know which computer electronic programs are best for a beginner or generally the best
well in my opinion

Eagle Layout Editor for making PCBs (its free)

and Multisim for circuit simulation

like Nigel said, be a little bit specific in your questions
Sorry about that.
Am asking about programs for circuit design and what ever else there is but basically what a beginner needs to concern himself with for now.
Multisim is a good simulator but it is not free and expensive. But you may try out the demo version with some limited function such as cant save.
Switcher CAD III is a great sim program. If you're looking for a digital sim program, it's not good though. If you do oscillation, rf, etc. it's great. And best of all its totally free w/ no restrictions. I think the website is linear.com . . . if not, just google for Switcher CAD III.
Here's another positive comment for SwitcherCAD III. https://www.linear.com/software/

Also, it will run under Wine for Linux no problem.

If you want to do circuitboards as well, I'm kinda partial to the CircuitMaker/TraxMaker package, even though it's not necessarily a great program. It works good enough, and they have it at my school.
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