Which PIC microcontroller suppose to use?

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New Member
Hi all,

I want my device to control a motor to produce a different pattern of vibration and LED flashing light, base on the source of few types of sound from environment. Then, which one of PIC microcontroller I suppose to use? Please help... Thanks!
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What langauage do you intend to use to program it?

What language(s) do you have experience of programming in?

base on the source of few types of sound from environment.

How do you intend to do that?
if its sound like a clap i can see this being fairly simple, but if it has to tell the difference between sounds or wreck a nice beach that could be hard.
Distinguishing between types of sound is quite a hard job. It's much easier to tell whether it is quiet or loud using an A/D circuit with a microphone.

If you want to tell between types of sound (e.g. a clap or a whistle) you're either going to have to do some (nasty) off-chip processing of the frequency or use something much more powerful like a dsPIC.

As for the outputs, any 18F series is easy to program and would work with a simple microphone circuit on the AD converter.
You should be able to dig up some code for FFT on a pic if you hunt it down on google. You won't get incredible resolution but enough to do tone detection.
I just need it to differentiate a few types of sound level (dB), let say sound level of car horn (110dB), fire alarm (90dB), etc., base on the different level of sound pressure it receive, then it activate the motor to produce a different type of vibration. It is possible? Please help...Thanks!
Yes it is possible. Condition the signal so it is safe/big enough for the chip and run it in a A to D pin. Compare it to the range you have decided on.

Based on the input change either/both the period and/or duty of the PWM. after the time has passed turn off the PWM.

Neat little project. And If this is all you are going to do.(One input, one motor going one way, a few lights.) the 16f690 (my favorite) is overkill and would work well. Plus it is 14bit words so there is less to learn doing asm.(I do all my work in asm).

As for the signal conditioning... I am weak in that area and would refer to others here for that.

This sounds like a great idea for the profoundly deaf(can't hear below 120 dB)...I am an Interpreter for the deaf myself and had once thought of something close a long time ago... really neat project.

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