Which SMD device does APW stand for?

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I have a SMD device which has the code APW , 712B, XJB1W and has 8 pins. I have looked up in some SMD code book but i can't figure it out.

Anybody know which device these code stand for?

Try to find the manufacturer marking or Logo.

I know, Identifying the manufacturers' type number of an SMD device from the package code can be a difficult task, involving combing through many different databooks.

(Unfortunately, each device code is not necessarily unique.
For example a device coded 1A might be either a BC846A or a FMMT3904.
Even the same manufacturer may use the same code for different devices!)

Or try the SMD Marking Code Databook.
(more than 1000 pages with 76.000 Marking codes, Case drawings, Pinouts and schematics)
Info and databook can be found at www.TKB-4u.com


  • cover SMD Codebook.jpg
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  • DVD cover of SMD Codebook.gif
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For the original databook and author I refer to:

The known author Eugene Turuta. He presents the SMD-codes for active electronic components.
This book includes now 75.800 SMD-codes for different semiconductors like diodes, thyristors, transistors and ICs and has more than 1000 pages.
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