The best white noise generator circuit that I've ever used is the same as the one in the first post, but as noted, they need a reasonably high Vcc in order to get the transistor to avalanche. One time when I needed a white noise source to operate from a 5 volt logic supply, I tried a lot of other circuits using different noise sources including zeners and other diodes, but none came anywhere close to putting out the noise of the avalanche transistor circuit. What I ended up doing was build a charge pump circuit to boost the 5V supply to about 18V, and used that to power the avalanche transistor circuit. It doesn't take much to build a charge pump, because the avalanche transistor only draws a few microamps, and the rest of the circuit can operate from 5V. I used four 1N4148 diodes and four 0.1µF caps as a voltage quadrupler driven by a logic gate oscillator. Of course, you have to make sure that the oscillator switching noise gets filtered out and doesn't end up in the white noise signal.
If you do find something that works well at low voltage I'd be very interested in seeing the circuit.