who can introduce me a good forum of entertainment

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The OP's we get from time to time on this forum can be quiet entertaining.

The word entertainment covers too wide a range to be answered in a single posting.

What type of entertainment????

Remember this is a family forum!
I know there are kids of entertainment in the world .
I want to find some forum about making freinds or some chatting etc
can you introduce some to me?
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waginia said:
I know there are kids of entertainment in the world .
I want to find some forum about making freinds or some chatting etc
can you introduce some to me?

You are at an electronics forum. Electr0nics poeple don't have friends. You need Aol.com
I think electronic is a interest,
and making friends is the interest too
They are not incompatible!
Thanx for introduction!
Neither alone, let alone both together are easy for someone that's isn't overly mentally stable to begin with =)

Philosophically I'm still having trouble with being a Solipsist in a culture of many (US citizen in a mid sized city)

Educationally I dropped out in my freshman year of high school. Got my GED four years later taking the test cold and passing with good marks, which is more than even most college graduates here in the states could say without a study sheet =)

I'm what they had in mind when the word jaded came into being =)
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