Who have some information of ACTEL Company .. ?

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Electronic boy

New Member
Hello my dears .. :wink:
I want information about Actel company microcontrollers ...
another meaning .. Please give my some pictures for some chips , and Circut Diagram for programmer .. and software for programming the chips .
Exampel for useing the ACTEL chips , Messiah modchip for PS2 console .. it built on the actel chip !! This meaning.. messiah chip it the best !!

Now .. I want Know :
What kind of the chip on messiah modchip ? ( microprosesor or microcontroller ) ?
Help me ...


  • messiah.gif
    14.7 KB · Views: 1,088
The only differnece between a uC and a uP is that uC alone can work as a cingle chip computer without need of external sticky chips like EPROM, SRAM etc. where as uP just processes data. Rest everything is exetrnal for it.
So a mod. chip is definately a microcontroller with hardly 2-3 chips on the MOD PCB. These additional chips may be reset controllers and some additinal peripherals or NV RAM for data storage.
What is ( Mod. ) abbreviating ?
I am read ( modchip ) but I do not understand it !!

another question :
How the hackers can bring points to connect the modchip in a console ?
For Example :
Playstation2 has 32 point to connect ( Messiah ) modchip .
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