Who is hotter? Eva Mendes or Jessica Alba?

Eva Mendes or Jessica Alba?

  • Eva Mendes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jessica Alba

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Eva Mendes: Stars in "Hitch" with Will Smith and in "2 Fast 2 Furious"
Jessica Alba: Stars in the new "Fanatstic Four" movie

Google for the fan sights, you might change your mind about Julia Roberts!
If I had to chose I would go with Jessica Alba.

Although Lindsay Lohan is way better than any of them even hope to be! You have to agree with that :lol:

Well, Lindsey Lohan has lost way too much wait in recent months, Anorexia or drugs maybe? Maybe too many cigs? I must admit, she is an exsquisite work of God, but, she looks better with "healthy" looking, well, uh, lets say "twin peaks"
Ya I agree, she has gotton skinny. But it's not becuase of drugs. She was stressed from making a movie and an album at the same time, she wasn't eating right and whent to the hospital for excostion.

Although she does say that she is eating healthier and will go back to being a read head.

But I mean really compare pics of Lindsay Lohan in 2004 and those others you refer to. It's obvious isn't it :lol:

They Kinda look skinny themselves, but Lindsay looks better now than them too

I guess I'm partial to Mendes's latin appeal and Alba's sweet, innocent look. Like I said, Mendes gets my trophy! SAUCY!
fsahmed said:
Oh come on, I mean, Julia Roberts is................... well she is Julia Roberts!!!!!

I'd have to agree, fsahmed, E.M and J.A just don't cut it... not my style :?


  • julia420.jpg
    21.9 KB · Views: 391
And this, Sorry the pics are a little small

But you get my point :lol:


  • linday_in_car.jpg
    33.2 KB · Views: 385
There is my point, all these pics present women of superficial glamour, something like Marilyn Monroe, whereas Julia Roberts has the flair & elegance of Audrey Hepburn or Julie Andrews.
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