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Who owns the rights? (UK ) but other countries welcome

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I am sure 100% the guy is harmless. Besides i am not always nice if i dont have to be, in all honesty my mum asked i did nothing, otherwise I would of gone around there.
You made a threat, implying bodily harm, toward someone who is making a claim against you for money - could even be construed as a death threat, considering the severity of slitting a throat..
To a solicitor.
You rang the solicitor, asked if the call was being recorded, then made a threat when told it wasn't.
It's your word against the solicitor's, should anything come of it, but who's word do you think would carry the most weight?
Suppose the solicitor is well-regarded in the legal community..
Well yes i guess it dosnt sound bright, but in all honesty i couldnt care less, its over as far as i am concerned. Most solicitors here tend to sell houses, they dont seem much interested in doing anything else.
But if i did get reported for it, i am innocent until proved guilty. Good luck working your way through the list of suspects, however with my luck if someone did him in it would be a cut in an area that might put me in the frame :D.
Ffs, look at the world we're living in these days.

Everything about this thread is ridiculous, from some old chancer trying to get a buck for nothing, to having to worry about saying a flippant comment over the phone.

ghostman, I'd probably react just the same as you. Glad you made some good money from it all, perhaps an anonymous website is needed for the farmers who missed out? Haha
Ffs, look at the world we're living in these days.

Everything about this thread is ridiculous, from some old chancer trying to get a buck for nothing, to having to worry about saying a flippant comment over the phone.

Rather were I see it. When you're too cowardly to live because what-if's have you by the nuts 24/7 are you really living?:rolleyes:

When petty cowards, and the agendas your wild paranoia driven imaginations about them create not only rule your life, but by your own free will have solidly placed a win in their favor, they know nothing about, you've effectively signalled you're already dead and they won without them having ever lifted a finger to do it.

AKA 'Throwing the cuck card.

TCM, that image is rather OTT - deleted.

Now sit back and enjoy the show being you just proved to the world your bigger self justifying coward than the other guy. :(
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I don't see anyone suggesting LG should bend over for the guy, most on this thread seem to be suggesting he simply tell him where to get off and leave it at that, stand his ground but not get all gung-ho.
I wish I had half the brains he has, and with that said, here's why I think he made a mistake saying what he said, to a solicitor who the guy paid money to represent him:
LG has his family to take care of now, along with his new businesses, and the ability to go God-knows-where with his talents.
Police background checks are becoming more common now, and I would hate to think that LG could potentially lose out on something big because of something like a caution on his record if the guy decided to make a complaint.

My 0.02
Where I am at anyone who tried to take legal action against a kid for being smart and helpful would get laughed out of court and likely fined reparations to the kid for their own arrogance and stupidity.

It's seen as predatory when you go after children for financial gains or worse regardless of what they do unless it's extremely socially unacceptable and destructive to where it easily definable as outright major willful law breaking actions that their parents or guardians knew they were doing and did nothing to stop.

If anyone could get away with sueing kids for being helpful and resourceful, and then making something for themself for their brains and work ethic, they'd be hunting down every kid in the country that has any will to be anything at all for an easy payday. But they are not and I have never once heard of anyone trying it let alone winning anything for it.

I'm sure some cowardly nobody loser has tried it more than once, but so far it's never crossed my rader.
Thing is, if this solicitor has already taken money from the guy to write to LG about something which was never likely to go anywhere, what's to stop him from milking it further?
He could have just said there is nothing to pursue and told the guy to take a hike, but once the legal jargon gets put on the paper, the cash register starts getting hungry.
No Idea , really. I've known people who wasted a small fortune chasing a dead end that would never pay out because someone convinced them that they could get something out of someone else that would justify it later. The only one who got anything was the person that kept them hanging onto false hope until they were too broke to function at all.

AFAIK, chasing kids and expecting a lucrative payout is a fools game. Kids, under all reasonable standards, are largely exempt from the higher level social contract rules and enforcements unless there are adult secondary players that formally and legally represent them involved.

Personally if I had someone like LG make a device like he made for the guy, I 'd be all over him to work together to expand on and market the idea! Screw the 1 in a 1000+ chance I might get a few hundred dollars out of him. Lets see if we can make thousands or 10's of thousands or more off the idea!

I'd fund it as far as I can if he develops the concept as far as he can and we split the profits 50/50 after expenses if we can half a chance of marketing anything. ;)
Personally if I had someone like LG make a device like he made for the guy, I 'd be all over him to work together to expand on and market the idea! Screw the 1 in a 1000+ chance I might get a few hundred dollars out of him. Lets see if we can make thousands or 10's of thousands or more off the idea!
But if I were to do that I'd have to have something to offer. From what I gather this "nobody neighbor" has nothing to bring to the partnership.
But if I were to do that I'd have to have something to offer. From what I gather this "nobody neighbor" has nothing to bring to the partnership.
It's amazing how many times the technical genius has needed the other guy to be successful. The ultimate example is Jobs and Wozniac, would either have been as successful on their own?

But if I were to do that I'd have to have something to offer. From what I gather this "nobody neighbor" has nothing to bring to the partnership.

Well that is why there is a difference between societies nobodies who prey on children for whatever they can take them for and the rest of us.

Given what the device LG came up with does and the huge demands by people to be able to work on their own machinery to any degree I would have zero trouble with working with him to design a few prototypes to try a test run marketing at whatever local ag equipment and supply dealers I have around me.

I may not know the tech end of such stuff but I know how to bring cash to the table and who to talk to see if there is a even remotely viable market!
It's amazing how many times the technical genius has needed the other guy to be successful. The ultimate example is Jobs and Wozniac, would either have been as successful on their own?

Rather where I was years ago. I had loads of concepts that could have been marketed but nobody was willing to step up with any cash or support to help me out in the areas I had no clue about at the time.

The majority just had rough weak ideas of things they thought would be marketable but expected me to flesh them out and then do all the legwork and heavy lifting (which I had no clue where or how to do let alone do it successfully with the microscopic resources I had to play with) and in return they figured they should get half my profits for having thrown a 5 minute idea at me, that if I had produced it, would have taken me months or even years or longer to get refined and going.

No thanks. I have better things to do than chase other people's dreams of getting rich at someone else's expense.
It's amazing how many times the technical genius has needed the other guy to be successful. The ultimate example is Jobs and Wozniac, would either have been as successful on their own?

Yeah, ok it is amazing and often needed, but please tell me you're just making a point and aren't actually trying to suggest that the old man brought anything to the table. (Apart from his problem that needed fixing of course)
Rather where I was years ago. I had loads of concepts that could have been marketed but nobody was willing to step up with any cash or support to help me out in the areas I had no clue about at the time.

The majority just had rough weak ideas of things they thought would be marketable but expected me to flesh them out and then do all the legwork and heavy lifting (which I had no clue where or how to do let alone do it successfully with the microscopic resources I had to play with) and in return they figured they should get half my profits for having thrown a 5 minute idea at me, that if I had produced it, would have taken me months or even years or longer to get refined and going.

No thanks. I have better things to do than chase other people's dreams of getting rich at someone else's expense.
Welcome to professional engineering! Marketing/Management comes up with a 5 minute spec and throws it at Engineering to come up with a solution, design it, build it, test it, troubleshoot it, and release it, and they get the big bucks. :p
Yeah, ok it is amazing and often needed, but please tell me you're just making a point and aren't actually trying to suggest that the old man brought anything to the table. (Apart from his problem that needed fixing of course)
But he provided the vision! lol
Welcome to professional engineering! Marketing/Management comes up with a 5 minute spec and throws it at Engineering to come up with a solution, design it, build it, test it, troubleshoot it, and release it, and they get the big bucks. :p

Oh I know. It's on the same line of coming up with a simple, reliable and chap better fix to a common and expressive problem, only to get flamed to death for having dared share it with the world, because it was such an obvious solution that it effectively made all the know-it-all supposed experienced experts look like chumps for not having seen and came up with it themselves. :p
Welcome to professional engineering! Marketing/Management comes up with a 5 minute spec and throws it at Engineering to come up with a solution, design it, build it, test it, troubleshoot it, and release it, and they get the big bucks. :p

I understand your view but after working both sides of business roles - I realize that the US never would have seen a man walking on the moon if Kennedy was an engineer and understood how much technology had to be developed to make it happen in less than 8 years. Marketing and business management teams challenge engineers to improve products and find better, cheaper or faster manufacturing processes to stay ahead of competitors.

Also, the only reason business management guys get payed well is that they are much more willing to leave an organization than an engineer and they can do more damage in the short term with the information they take with them.
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