Whoa! FOrum update!

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Seems rather washed out and bleached to me!

Kind of has that winterish feel I think. I miss the background colors.
ElectroMaster will continue to tweak the look and feel. I have no idea what he's going to do, but I'm not too worried. It looks pretty sterile right now. Really hate the spaces between posts in a thread.
For some reason, eveytime I visit the site I have to relog in my user name, the password is then auto filled, the 'Remember Me' box is checked.
For some reason, eveytime I visit the site I have to relog in my user name, the password is then auto filled, the 'Remember Me' box is checked.

I use opera and it takes care of all my passwords. The first time when I logged in it suddenly gave me a popup with 2 choices of accounts. Both were the same except that one was lowercase. Anyway the top one also did the same as you described, but the bottom one worked for me.

Maybe it's just something small that EM still has to fix.

BTW welcome back Eric.
Is it the first time this kinda thing being done? Or there are a series of changes in the last five years?
Electro Master said he was gonna be away for the next 24 hours in another post. This is the 2nd major upsetting type upgrade I think I've been here for, the other was with a previous major version upgrade. It'll settle out in a few weeks.

So suck it up folks =)
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I am rather disapointed with the smilies as well. I was sort of hoping for an added selection.

So whats with the green power blocks? Are they our avatar life force numbers?
What's the difference between the orange and blue envelop icons? (Since our screen colors may not be the same, on my monitor, gray is "read.") Also, they seem a little large and distracting to me. Why not eliminate them and just go to bold for not read, regular for read?


So far it doesn't look like an upgradation to me. I like the old system where the forum looked more serious!

Terrible and horrible looking smileys and icons LOL..
For me, half the reply boxes, like jpanhalt above are blank. Also at the top of the screen the 'quick links'
and 'blog' are printed one over the other. i also have a problem with it freezing up on me and have to shut down IE.

edit: I'm running IE6 (old, I know) and win 2k, never had any problems before this.
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