So far, I don't much like the new version. It takes half a minute before the scroll bar is active in the correct way. I hate trying do drag an immovable bar down the screen just to have it start hopping around on its own ten seconds later. In all, I guess the pages are a LOT slower loading than the previous version.
So far, I don't much like the new version. It takes half a minute before the scroll bar is active in the correct way. I hate trying do drag an immovable bar down the screen just to have it start hopping around on its own ten seconds later. In all, I guess the pages are a LOT slower loading than the previous version.
For any errors relating to the site functionality, look and feel please state the browser that you are using and post as many detail as possible so I can duplicate the problem.
Dean: I do apologize for the inconvenience. I am eager to fix the issue but could not duplicate it. Can you please clarify how and where it is happening?
Also regarding speed, is everyone feeling like the site is slower? I am based in NZ and the site loads pretty fast..
Mozilla 1.7
VERY slow loading
visible page locks up while background pages load
won't scroll while stuff is loading
sometimes completely hangs with busy mouse pointer for 30 secs until something finishes loading
things covered by other things
icons for "image" "url" etc in reply edit screen no longer work
can't see the top part of page that has the UserCP, it shows while loading then gets covered by the main top bar after loading
IE 6.x
speed seems better than Mozilla, still slower than old forum
many of the panels are "squishy" things covered up
can't see the date on the threads
userCP (page top) is there etc but you can't see it until mouse over it
columns wrong widths
things not displaying at all
things displaying but partially or completely covered by other things
Mr RB: both of those browsers are more than 5 years old. I can get things looking okay but cannot guarantee everything will work. Do you find that alot of other sites are broken also? I know it's not a fix (more a work around) but have you thought of trying out Chrome browser? It's very light weight and fast - I use it.
ElectroMaster, something very important to think about. As of November 2009 near 25 percent of Internet Browsers still run IE 6.X compatibility with it for most features would be nearly a requirement.