Who's gonna pay the bill for this one?

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I don't really see why he would need them that bad anyway. You can find hundreds of diagrams of any given electronic circuit online, and they use more modern and available components than some magazine from around world war 2.
Just how old are you Nigel?
I don't really see why he would need them that bad anyway. You can find hundreds of diagrams of any given electronic circuit online, and they use more modern and available components than some magazine from around world war 2.
Maybe it's the pictorial diagrams? Him being a noob at it, the old style pictorials made it easier than having to understand schematic symbols.
....... and this is how he deals with people who mess him about on the forums


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Sure thats funny now, but I didnt like getting floored like that!

Next time someone does that, my girlfriends got my back!

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Shes never lost an argument so far either! (Its safer for everyone that she wins.)
TCM, have you been in the country too long? Come to California...

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Or maybe after so much time in isolation, this works better for ya...

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I hope ya know, I am just kidding... hehe
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Or maybe after so much time in isolation, this works better for ya...
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I hope ya know, I am just kidding... hehe

Now, not to insult our AU friends, but,

Q) Why do Australian men marry woman?

A) Sheep can't cook.
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What can I say. I like women with skills!
And what makes you think she dont look like that after hours?
I had a girl like the California girl poster.
High maintenance low work output. She didn't know why a service truck is so ugly yet worth so much.
Average looks, marketable skills, and stands her ground in an argument wins my heart!

And actually North Dakota does not have many sheep. Crops and cattle mostly.
But still, a good one any way!
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I just pulled a picture of a female sniper from the net. I just wanted a picture with a girl and a rifle with a scope. Thats just the one that suited my requirement!
(just intended a little chat thread humor nothing more)
I couldn't tell you who's who from military uniform appearances if my life depended on it.
I have reason to believe that for him to visit a library would involve a trek of many days on camelback or elephant, quite possibly requiring him to cross international borders.

cough, but he has internet access. cough
I just pulled a picture of a female sniper from the net. I just wanted a picture with a girl and a rifle with a scope. Thats just the one that suited my requirement!

Heck, at least pick a **broken link removed**!
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