Why are you locking useful threads?

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I recently had cause to look for a thread on ICD2 clones and found , which seems to be a really useful thread, also locked.

Why are these threads locked?

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What about the other thread? I wanted to ask a specific poster a question. And, what is wrong with people bringing them back to life. It's not like there are 100's of posts per day. Mike.
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Just imagine you posted in a topic one year ago. Your questions were answered. Now, when somebody posts to the same old topic, you will receive "topic reply notification", and you might not be interested anymore.

And "hijacking" a topic will sometimes cause confusion to the ones who want to help you.

If you really need to Post in the old topic (which got locked) you can always PM a moderator to help you.

With that logic, you should lock every post over 1 month old.

P.S. please Mr moderator unlock all the posts that are not objectionable.
Jay.slovak said:
I lock only those, which I can see they were solved/completed.

The two threads that I linked to are not solved/completed or, if they are then so are many many more. I just do not understand the logic behind locking perfectly good and informative threads.

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