Why did you get married?

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I just got married two months ago, to the day. I'm 40 years old and it's my first marriage. Finally ran into someone that has the same goals in life (not career) as me, with a similar mentality on how to live it. We're both mostly hermits that like intellectual pursuits. We're planning on buying land and building a house outside of town now. Big work shed for me, forge for her, and enough room for a huge garden.

I think the key was that we are both old enough to have figured out what we really enjoy in life now.
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Good for you smanches

@ 40 yrs old you will make the all right choices for a wife/friend/mate/companion for the rest of your life. You found what you were looking for and it sounds like you two suit each other 100%.

Good luck man and God Bless

Belated congratulations there smanches. Yeah, my last marriage was 21 years ago when I was 40. I agree with TV tech in that by that age after 3 years of dating we both knew what we wanted for a partner in life forever.

I met my wife at a friend's cottage. We fell in love immediately. She lived about 400km from me so I visited her on weekends and got lots of speeding tickets and high phone bills until she moved in with me. Then we got married and had a honeymoon in Jamaica (the best room and all the goodies for free) because she worked for Hilton Hotels. We have 2 kids who are grown up now and live near us so we see them frequently.
...The court case starts next month. 3 days of hell in the high supreme court. (The criminal case against her is still ongoing)....

Just an update on my case.
I went to court yesterday to start with my divorce case. The judge however refused to take the case because of the fact that the criminal case is not concluded yet. He said that he’s not going to subject me, and all the witnesses we had for our case through the hell an trauma of one court case, just to have it all repeated in the criminal case again. I am finished with the criminal case testimony, but not the other witnesses. Case postponed until final verdict given on the criminal case.

Our countries Judicial System is in a mess. Our countries Law enforcement is in a mess....need I go on??

Suffice to say that the African Native Club have in 17 Years managed to destroy or break everything that was handed to them on a platter in 1994. All was in working order and MAINTAINED.

I feel your frustration...however, it's worse for me.

I am from the Eastern Cape. The roots of the African Native Club. I have to work with and try and reason with these intellectually disadvantaged/compromised individuals every day of my life. An impossible task at times.

Especially if you are non-corruptable. Like me.

I have no interest in stealing. My money is earned honestly.

We have a tough road ahead friend. The honest will lead the way. We sleep peacefully at night. Screw the thieves.

TV Tech
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