Why doesn't svn update command work ?

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Attached is the version of svn client I'm using.

C:\> cd Projects \ my_workspace

I had entered following command:
C:\Projects\my_workspace> svn checkout https://abcd.efg.com/svn/repository/my_project/trunk my_working_copy

Checkout was successful.

I tried updating as follows:
C:\Projects\my_working_copy> svn update

Attached is svn update output. Why doesn't svn update work?


  • svn update output.PNG
    3.7 KB · Views: 243
  • svn version.PNG
    28.6 KB · Views: 239
The answer is in google. There was no tmp folder under .svn folder. I manually created tmp folder and then svn update command worked.

I'll report this bug to SlikSvn.
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