Why I have entered this forum - and why I leave it again

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I have decided to become a member of this technical forum in March 2012.
Since then I have produced - to the best of my knowledge - about 250 technical answers and contributions.
In addition, I have placed an article about a novel harmonic oscillator (column „theory“).
Why I have entered this forum?
I am about 70 years old - and I have many years practice in industrial design&development (some older members may remember the sun probe HELIOS) as well as in teaching students (lecturer for analog signal processing and control engineering).
Thus, I was of the opinion that I could forward some of my experience to younger people who need some assistance in solving technical problems.
More than that, I like objective technical discussions because it is a real challenging task to select a single solution out of several alternatives. This makes system design a lot more complicated and time consuming than system analysis.
In addition, such a forum is a good tool to keep in touch with the english language.
I like to repeat: I prefer technical and objective discussions.

Now - this aspect leads to the reasons for leaving the forum:

Four of the technically oriented threads I have participated in have ended with a kind of personal attacks - just because I was so „pedantic“ to stick on technical explanations/verifications of some claims as formulated by another member. Obviously, the corresponding gentlemen were not willing resp. able to respond on a physical/technical basis.

I strongly dislike such an attitude and such a way of communicating between engineers.
Today, I got the recommendation - which I consider as a kind of instruction/reproof - not to comment any postings when this comment does not „help the OP“. Aha, so the OP and all readers have to accept an answer that - for my opinion - did require some additional explanation, see https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/ltspice-voltage-controlled-switch-in-ac-analysis.130180/
Thats enough. It’s a pitty, but I withdraw from this forum.

Presently, I am a member of two other electronic forums - and I must confess that, up to now I never (!) had a similar experience. This was my last posting in this forum.
Good bye to all.

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Sorry to see you leave, Winterstone!

Yes, there are some argumentative and opinionated posters here, some of them remind me of my xwife: God knows everything, I know everything better!
Judging by the number green panels (after such a short membership) under your name, a lot of members valued your contribution, so: that is a complement to your contribution

Thanks, and don't give up on us yet! E
It'll be a big loss.... I'm sorry you feel that way...

About a year ago, I felt the same way... Burt (be8bo) and Jason ( Atomsoft )... Made we realize there are many on this site worth helping.... Its all out of my system now.... I just ignore the people who need ignoring....
Sorry to see you leave. I only recall one of your posts and it was complete. I must say that at age 70 (I'm 64) I have discovered it is not worth the effort to get upset 'bout others opinions. There is a saying I learned in the service a long time ago "opinions are like a******s everyone has one and in many instances you can't tell the difference "
This is a real shame.

I thought I'd just let you know that we are aware of this particular situation (ie negative/argumentative/aggressive attitudes) and it's definitely a focus point for our moderators. We have tightened up the rules quite a bit in the last few months and it's helping alot. We plan to continue weeding out anyone who is disrupting the forums peace no matter what.

Once again it's a shame to see you go Winterstone and I hope that some time in the future you will come back to us


Oh yes that is a shame. I found that most discussions with Winterstone where very interesting due to his understanding of circuits. We didnt agree on everything, but that's part of what made it interesting.

If you ever come back to read this thread, i hope you come back to the forum too. I know it is hard sometimes but dont take everything to heart, let some things go. I run into troublesome people on other sites too but i dont leave because if i did that would mean that anyone that didnt agree with me would force me to leave the sites.
I think you have a lot to offer and to find out that you are 70 is quite amazing too. So i hope you come back to share more of your insight and experience with the rest of us.

Thank you, ElectroMaster !

As you may have noticed, it was Eric's "verbal rebuke" that has "made the cup spill over" (see https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/ltspice-voltage-controlled-switch-in-ac-analysis.130180/).

[MODNOTE]Post removed.[/MODNOTE]
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hi W.

As you can see from the above copies of the posts on that Thread, the word 'rebuke' was never used, it was made in the spirit of a suggestion in order to focus your posts on helping the OP.

If you see some error or omission in the posts of others I feel its more helpful to direct your replies to the OP by giving him your version of the help he needs rather than starting a discussion about other members posts, which leads to the problems you have encountered on other threads.

I did suggest if you felt strongly enough about some point. that you start your own thread so that it could be discussed without cluttering up the OP's thread.

As you can see from the above copies of the posts on that Thread, the word 'rebuke' was never used, it was made in the spirit of a suggestion in order to focus your posts on helping the OP.

Hi Eric,
what I was angry about is the following:

I suppose you also are trying to "focus your post on helping the OP".
Therefore, I was of the opinion that it also helps the OP to comment, confirm or even correct some of your statements (which are intended to help the OP) in former replies. That's what I did.
Perhaps there was a technical misunderstanding between us - such things happen from time to time because of time and space limitations in such a forum.
I think, such a situation even requires additional questions to clarify these misunderstandings.

Here is a short survey of the "history":
(1) Smithmat (Question post#1): LTspice: Voltage-Controlled Switch In AC Analysis
My goal is to use LTspice to conduct an AC analysis of a circuit by varying the frequency of a square wave supplied to the gate of a FET. As I haven't found a way to sweep a square wave, I have instead used a sinusoidal supply to regulate a voltage-controlled switch (see attached).
This method works properly in transient analysis but fails in AC...

(2) Eric (post#6): The overall AC analysis will include the comparator operation

(3) My question (post#8): How could an ac analysis, which is a LINEAR small-signal analysis, "include the comparator operation" ?

(4) My question (post#10): What is the purpose of an ac analysis for a circuit with an opamp without feedback ?

(5) Eric (post#11): I would suggest you concentrate on replying to the OP's problem, rather than my posts.

According to my (technical) understanding both of my questions are strictly related to replies, which are direct answers to the OP's question, because I felt the necessity to clarify some statements within these replies.
And I was of the opinion that could be a further help for the OP. I didn't see any reason to open a new thread.
By the way: My technical questions (post#8 and #10) didn't receive any answer up to now.

I see no purpose in discussing this point with you, I consider my original suggestion as not being unreasonable.


BTW: I am almost 80 years old - and I also have many years practice in industrial design, development and manufacturing.
Hi All

People come here looking for simple advise. Sometimes with crazy questions...but advise nevertheless.

They are looking for their question answered.....not a Thesis on stuff. That is where the interest from the new Member wanes...never to be seen again.

I, support Eric's stance on this 100%.

There are a LOT of smart people here at ETO. Who have a wealth of experience. But never try to prove their cleverness.

I really like that.


They are looking for their question answered.....not a Thesis on stuff. That is where the interest from the new Member wanes...never to be seen again.

If folks want simple answers, they should not ask complicated questions.


If folks want simple answers, they should not ask complicated questions.


Hello Ratch

Here is something you must try and and understand for once and all....

A technical forum like ETO is not there for you try and prove your cleverness/intelligence to the World. It is about answering questions. Simple as that. Really basic stuff. To people that know squat.

Come to South Africa for a Week.....lot's of people need training there....you could be busy forever. And never get anywhere.

Hence, the difficulty of a place like this for you to understand.

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Perhaps a technical forum is not the best way for a person to get started. A little preliminary preparation goes a long way toward understanding. Sounds like SA is a hellava place.

...If folks want simple answers, they should not ask complicated questions.

Well, that's sort of the point, ain't it? What question to ask?

ANY noobie, trying ANYthing for the first time, may be so utterly out of their depth that they really don't know the question(s) to ask.

Nor, for that matter, how to couch the question in terms that make any sense.

Imagine you know nothing about a wind up watch. Not even really what it does, its use or its name. But you know to ask "RoundStuff-tech-Online.com" with, essentially, a description of what you see, cause this thing has got your curiosity burning.

So you post , with the Subject line -"Round Thingy...", as follows:

"HI!, This is my first post. I'm ten years old.
I found this round thing that has numbers in a circle on one side, with little pointy rods that move around, backward and forward, apparently in some orderly way (when I turn this little knobby thing sticking out one side) but only point together, in exactly the same direction, in one case (at the number 12).
My question is, 'what's inside this thing'?
Thanks in advance. I've heard you guys are the BEST!!!."

Now, throw in some language difficulties.

So OK, gentlemen, what's YOUR reply to this OP's posting?

Speaking strictly and only for myself, my response would be "It's called a 'watch, or timepiece'. It indicates the time. The stuff inside allows it to do that"

Does that answer his actual question? No, of course not.

But can you (you know who "you" are) imagine how this noob might react to answers, and then arguments between the members of STO as to the relevance, accuracy and depth of their (my) answers, that expound on the OP's actual question?

Think ol' Mike'll hang around for that fun?

There's no need to ramble on about the Higgs Boson's existence and it's relevance to our universe(s??) when the question was "Why is the sky blue?"

Rock on, Mods...

(Incidentally, I'm 64, and I STILL don't know jack...)

The bottom line still is that a highly technical forum like this is not a good place to get beginning information.


The bottom line still is that a highly technical forum like this is not a good place to get beginning information.



Oh really?

Where is it stated that "Only experienced individuals may post"?

Good grief. What hubris...


I never said that anyone could not post. I said that this forum was not a good place for a rank beginner to get starting information. Hubris? Where does excessive pride, self-confidence, or arrogance enter into this dialog?

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