why icd fails to verify some bootloader.hex

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hai all

i purchased finally one icd , by that i try to programme the pic16f877a with provieded bootloader_877A.hex by inchowrm kit .but icd can erase & programmme but fails to veryfiy . i dont no it happens only for this type bcz simple progrms like led blink works fine with verfiy .but bootloader hexs like tiny bootloader hex also fiails to verify can any body guide regard & i need config setting for inchworm with 16f877A

thank you
The kit comes with the bootloader preprogrammed. Most likely by another Inchworm... I'm not sure what you're asking?
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icd is very good


what i purchased icd is based on pic16f876 is working good.
but i want to build the separate icd by 16f877a which i tested with some bilink.hex works well when i programme by icd . but when i use bootloader_877A.hex which i downloaded ,it erases ,programmed,in mplab by select tool with icd programmer & always fails to verify that hex .even i tried for other hex from tiny boot loader also same .so idont why small progrms works well. & like rs232 funckt like hex failing to verify & same i test not works also\
viji2ks said:
what i purchased icd is based on pic16f876 is working good.
Do you have a link to that programmer?
but i want to build the separate icd by 16f877a
Was this also a kit or are you building it from scratch. Which schematics are you using?
which i tested with some bilink.hex works well when i programme by icd
You programed a blink program into the 877A ICD using the 876 ICD and it worked.
What you need to do is.
A. Program bootloader_877A.hex into the 877A chip using another programer such as your 876 ICD.
B. Put the programmed chip back into the 877A ICD if needed.
C. Hook the 877A ICD to MPLAB via a serial cable.
D. In MPLAB select programmer.
E. Select 16F877A as target
F. Download the Operating system.
G. Now in MPLAB you should be able to connect to the 877A ICD.
Are you saying that you can not verify the bootloader in the 877A after programming it with the 876? (step A).
Are you programming the 877A in circuit?
Can you erase and blank check the 877A using the ICD 876 as a programmer?

Most important. Post you MPLAB output window/log here so we can see the program and verify output from when you programed and tried to verify the bootloader.
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MPLAB for some reason by default will not program the entire range of Flash (to protect bootloaders I assume)
In settings find manual range and click full 0000 thru 1FFF
hai all

i got ur point , the thing is i am not able to programme any hex more than .5k i think it is design failure of icd bcz i checked inside the crystall of icd using in 11mz with pic16f876 is really makes some proble. i found out it is telling ICD0031 API framing failure . i can programme even bootloader files which at memory range of 1fxx . i checked for longer hex type it is not able to programme . so i think what i purchased is haveing hardware bug with sychronyzing problem
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