Why the *********** isnt this simple C code working?

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New Member
All this does is print the value of pi.
Why isnt this working. im using visual c++

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void main()
{ float M_PI;

printf("M_PI = %.15f\n", M_PI);


M_PI is a constant defined as pi in the math.h library.
visual c++ is made by microsoft and thus... it has bugs... :lol:

M_PI is not defined in microsofts math.h, so you'll need to define it yourself

#include <stdio.h>

#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932385

void main()

printf("M_PI = %.15f\n", M_PI);


also note that the line
float M_PI; is removed from your main function...
if something is defined (by you or in a header file) you shouldn't make a variable with the same name...
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