Wide Screen LCD Monitors

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Currently testing a 22inch FLATRON LG W2252TQ wide screen monitor.

If anyone is using this model of monitor, I would like to know what they think of the performance.

Its not giving the quality I would have expected having read the technical specification and reviews.
In particular the focussing, it varies in the vertical field, a narrow banding effect.

Tried on two PC's with the same result.
Is it an LCD? (presumably), so there's no focus involved anywhere. How is it connected, VGA, DVI or HDMI? - also what resolution do you have the PC set to, you really need the PC set to the identical resolution of the screen hardware.
Is it an LCD? (presumably), so there's no focus involved anywhere. How is it connected, VGA, DVI or HDMI? - also what resolution do you have the PC set to, you really need the PC set to the identical resolution of the screen hardware.

Yes, LCD.
VGA connection
The control is called 'sharpness'
Resolution tried, 1680 * 1050 and 1600 * 900

Used the LGforteManager software as supplied on CD.

An example on how poor its, using Word to produce a 'Table', every other horizontal line is a fine double, which change places from focussed to defocussed when doing a vertical scroll.

Vertical lines all OK.

I plan to take it back to NovaTech tomorrow and get them to run it up.

I know its not the ideal way to do it but this screen capture of a table fragment shows it.

Nigel, I have spoken to Tech Support of Novatech, they say it sound like a defective monitor, returning tomorrow.
Many thanks for the input.


  • esp01 Sep. 25.gif
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Sharp and Samsung produce a majority of LCD panels for the industry as well as for private labels. I own a Samsung 20.5" and couldn't be happier with its performance. It has 2ms response GTG
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