Wifi A/C control

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Well-Known Member
I have a project house with several rooms running independent AC units driven by regular IR remotes.

I'd like to create IR remote modules which can learn the AC codes and link them to the houses wifi to allow for internet/PC control.

The goal being to provide centralised control and remote activation, eg. I am on my way home and I want to activate the AC from my tablet, android, blackberry or iphone.

I also have a bed & bath guest house and I'd like to be able to (de)/activate the AC remotely for guest convenience and power savings.

I haven't done any wifi mcu projects but I could use some advice on the approach to take.

Sparkfun sells wifi modules which can be directly linked to a micro controller via serial connection, alternatly they have a wifi module that has an ARM process for application use. Might want to give the idea of using Bluetooth a try though this is one of those things it is well suited for, wifi requires a TCP/IP stack and that's just something extra in the design process that you end up having to pay for. Simple bluetooth serial ports are very cheap in comparison.
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