No biggy on PIC, just wanted to make sure that was a good direction. Seems like when I open some stuff up, I see Intel, NEC, and Fujitsu commonly.
I am actually currently combing their website to see what type of integrated solutions they have for wireless? Is that always done outside the chip? The tech is too volatile and changes constantly?
I seem to recall the PIC getting some neat integrations for common stuff.
A friend is pretty well setup to program the PICs but I seem to recall him mention you sort of need to setup and focus on one chip.
Oh, and it appears Microchip bought Atmel a couple years ago? Are we going to see some changes in the Arduino platform?
to be completely honest, I work around CNC machines and program them with gcode. Though I know the code, NO ONE writes the direct code anymore. We all use CAM software for that. the software is intuitive and makes generating 20K lines of code easy. Why is there not a solution like this for a uC or is there? This seems to be sort of how Arduino did it but seems like there could be improvements. I guess because you need both the hardware and software to work, it gets a bit tougher. In CNC, we already know the hardware works.