Wii Motion Plus

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I am working in a project similar to the wii. I have an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a compass, all of them, digital and 3 axis. I know that, the accelerometer`s output is acceleration in each axis, the gyroscope`s output angular rate and the compass´s output, the heading.

I would like to know how can I convert the angular rate of the gyroscope to an angle. I am looking for an algorithm.

What do you mean convert the angular rate of a gyro to an angle? Accelerometers measure linear acceleration, gyros measure rotational acceleration. The gyro would be used to provide pitch and roll information, the compass would be used to cancel out the drift from the gyro by providing a probably lower resolution dead reckoning. The accelerometers would be used to provide X/Y/Z information in relation to it's rotational direction.
There's no need to hack a Wii controller. With the right driver (if you can find it) it can be used directly on a PC.
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