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Ross Craney

New Member
It seems very quiet as far as opinions on this go . An interpol warrant for a "suspected rape". A call for Julian Assange to be " murdered " by various American politicians. Visa , Paypal etc stopping financial transactions to wikileaks.
What is going on here ?
What I find most intriguing is that I have heard very little in the mainstream media about the "insurance file"; not even on NPR has it been mentioned. As far as what is going on, who really knows (except for perhaps the "main players")? I don't know if JA is being set up, or if he actually did something to those women in Sweden. I find the actions of those women, the accusations, and everything else very strange. The conspiracy theory is that he is being set up by the CIA (one of the women apparently worked with a group in the past in Cuba, which was being helped by the CIA in some fashion - last I heard, she left Sweden for somewhere in the ME after JA turned himself in). Now JA's out on bail; the leaks are still coming out - I don't know. I was kinda hopin' the dead-man's switch to the insurance file would be triggered, but I guess not. There's also the thing about what the definition of "rape" in Swedish law is on the charges that JA was accused of. It seems that in Sweden, things are very dicey if you have sex with someone over there, and you aren't paying close attention to every detail during the entire transaction (especially if one or both or more of you are drunk or otherwise inebriated)... /shrug
Ah, Blowing the whistle on crooked people in business and politics.

All I can say is GO MAN GO! :)

That being that if you are honest and putting an effort into trying to do the right thing to the best of your abilities then you should have no fear of the truth being let out about what you do or did. ;)

The truth and our lies eventualy catch up to everyone of us and I for one prefer being cought in the truth of my actions and not the deceit of any deliberate wrong doing. :D
It seems that in Sweden, things are very dicey if you have sex with someone over there, and you aren't paying close attention to every detail during the entire transaction (especially if one or both or more of you are drunk or otherwise inebriated)... /shrug
Sweden --- isn't that one of those northern European countries along with Denmark and Holland where sex and porno of all types is more common than leaves on trees? From what I was told about Sweden, sex is the last thing that is dicey over there!
All I can say is GO MAN GO!

This guy is in all probability innocent.

He just wanted to expose the truth. Now all the stealing M****** want to bring him down. To cover their own smelly ********.

Sad. They will collectively do their best to expose anything he might have done in the past. Like innocently picking his nose.

That would and probably could be turned into some form of abuse.

I wish all politicians would fulck off and die. Unless they actually can prove they have the interests of the masses that voted them into power in the first at heart.

And that won't happen in my lifetime.

Over and out guys

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I think it's plausible that the Swedish rape laws are tricky, but I believe the juxtaposition of Assage's new infamy and his arrest on sex changes is just a little too convenient for the government. Not long ago, American journalist Robert Novak (aka "The Prince Of Darkness") brazenly published the name of a leaked US undercover CIA agent, and somehow avoided prison, or even the most cursory investigation. So, I find it ironic how aggressive this guy is being pursued, and especially that calls for his murder by ostensibly "law abiding" US politicians ( which is another whole discussion now we have American pols advocating murder over seemingly every contentious issue these days. The US is beginning to resemble the old Nazi regime in many ways )

What does this mean?

I was kinda hopin' the dead-man's switch to the insurance file would be triggered, but I guess not.

Could you explain that? I guess I missed that in the reporting somehow.
Could you explain that? I guess I missed that in the reporting somehow.

I haven't read too much into this situation but I recall reading, somewhere, that there exists a torrent link to a file entitled "insurance.aes256", which is obviously encrypted. Should any obviously mysterious/elaborate/spectacular/dubious event leading to the premature death of Mr Assange occur, such as him tripping down a stairway from a restuarant and landing head-first on a grenade someone just dropped, the key will be released into the public domain for all to see the contents. What the contents of the file are is open to speculation, but it is possible that they could be far more damaging than that which has been revealed thus far..... Or they could simply be a bluff directed at those wishing him to be spirited away, who are fearful of what their past transgressions may lead to.....
The file could even contain pure garbage but until it's contents are revealed, apart from a select few, nobody else knows.
Its interesting to speculate on for certain what he may have backing himself up but anyone who has had to go through the issues and experience of ratting out people above themselves for wrong doings is likely going to the smarts and insite to keep an ace or two up their sleeve as added leverage and self insurance of sorts.

I had the misfortune of being down that whistle blowing road this year and I came out well in the end due to my openness proper planning and honesty but still I did my best to make sure I had a few aces backing me up before I ever filed the first report to the main people at the company who needed to know about the problems I and others where facing at the time. :)
How was he able to get the classified information in the first place? If it was so important to keep secure, how did he get access? Who helped him? Have only seen what was on the news, but doesn't sound too terribly damaging. Thought Hilary's speech sort of amusing, since this guy isn't an American citizen, don't see how he could be charged for treason... I would hope our military and government, would have some of the tightest security in the world. Maybe the leaked information is a smoke screen, for something else going on. Maybe it's a little push, to make sure Obama will be able to withdraw the troops next summer. There seems to be a purpose, for the leaked information, as I'm sure there are many more damaging 'secrets', than those released.
How was he able to get the classified information in the first place? If it was so important to keep secure, how did he get access? Who helped him? Have only seen what was on the news, but doesn't sound too terribly damaging. Thought Hilary's speech sort of amusing, since this guy isn't an American citizen, don't see how he could be charged for treason... I would hope our military and government, would have some of the tightest security in the world. Maybe the leaked information is a smoke screen, for something else going on. Maybe it's a little push, to make sure Obama will be able to withdraw the troops next summer. There seems to be a purpose, for the leaked information, as I'm sure there are many more damaging 'secrets', than those released.

This is the thing about WikiLeaks, that "they" (governments of the world, the media, etc) want to confuse others about: WikiLeaks is arguably an internet-based news organization, no different from any other major news organization, with Julian Assange being the founder, publisher and "editor in chief" (if you will). How this "leak" business works is as follows:

1) Someone somewhere sees something that they think should be leaked. They fear that something hinky is going on, there is corruption, or something illegal, dangerous to health, or something occuring. They want to tell someone about it, but as a whistleblower, they don't want reprisal (being fired, murdered, jailed, etc).

2) In the past, they would likely try to find someone at a major newspaper (a reporter or someone) who would listen, and would look at their evidence; but this could be dicey - while their identity might be protected, it might not; plus they would have to physically give the documentation to someone - and if it is a lot of documentation, that could be very, very difficult.

3) But not today! Julian Assange and WikiLeaks set up (a series of?) encrypted dropboxes, to which the files that the person wanting to leak can email their documentation, and it makes it way back to WikiLeaks server(s) via the TOR (the Onion Router) network - so that it can't be intercepted or traced back to the original leaker. The leaker may keep anonymous, or reveal something about themselves as they see fit; not even WikiLeaks or Julian Assange, or anyone else, need to know who the leaker is (or where they are).

4) Once the data gets to WikiLeaks - they supposedly act as a news organization; they review the information in the leak, review what/who is involved. They do some investigation behind the sources contained in the leaked material, then write up a full investigative report (a "news article" - real journalism, ya know)...

5) They then go thru the leaked information, and redact any identifying information which could compromise third-parties mentioned in the leaked information; they attempt to do this with the help of certain parties privy to the original information (they tried to do with with the DOD on these latest Cable Leaks - but were turned down! - still, they redacted information about people mentioned in the leaks who were direct individuals in the leaks (ie, the diplomat's names were fair game, but a third individual who worked in the state department or something would be removed) - as best as they could (since they had no help). So the leaked information in the files are scrubbed.

6) They then release the leaked information, along with their investigative report. What this allows the public to do, which wasn't previously done, was to allow the public to compare the journalistic effort with the actual information leaked, in order to counter any issues or claims of bias or bad reporting. This wasn't possible in the "past", because the volume of information involved; today with high-speed/bandwidth internet, the web, cheap storage, etc - this is no longer an issue.

Well - except for "the powers that be". You see, putting aside the issue of whether Julian Assange raped a couple of women in Sweden or not (I don't know whether he did or didn't; I find the whole thing strange, and very "convenient" and likely to be a setup - but that all has nothing to do with the overall WikiLeaks investigative journalism and leaks methodology) - Julian Assange, playing the role of an editor and founder of the news organization that WikiLeaks is - is really no different than what Daniel Ellsberg did with the Pentagon Papers way back in the day (see Daniel Ellsberg's Website - Ellsberg is of a supporting opinion of Assange's efforts regarding the leaks).

It used to be very difficult to leak this much information; nowadays, thanks to WikiLeaks (and even if WikiLeaks is shutdown - they have already paved the way for others - remember, the internet is a multi-headed hydra, and "the man" still doesn't get it), it is much easier to get this information out. All it takes is the whistle-blower and a thumb-drive, plus cheap and easy free high-strength encryption, and TOR - and an organization like WikiLeaks. Assange is merely a publisher; the goofy thing is they weren't the only publishers of this leaked information; the whistle-blower had actually sent it to other organizations as well (regular newspapers) - what WikiLeaks did, though, was allow the public to compare the real information with their published reports, to allow the public to decide based on -everything-, not just what was reported. This kind of democracy has a lot of people nervous.

Regarding the security of this information - like swiss cheese. There isn't any security on this info, especially if a human has access to it! If you work for some place, and they are doing something wrong, illegal, environmentally damaging, constitutionally wrong, etc - you have to decide whether to blow the whistle to someone, or be complicit in the goings on. Before, it could be a tough decision - a very risky decision. WikiLeaks (and others are cropping up) have made this much easier and safer (provided you can get the information out). Everything is driven by money and budgets, and security is typically dead-last on the budget concerns at most companies and in most areas of the government (even in some surprising areas!).

One thing you can bet on - they are going to try everything possible to hang Assange on this; I sincerely hope that insurance file is real. Many people have a copy of it - they are just waiting for the key. If it is real, it is likely to contain "in one fat wad" all of the leaked cables (so far, only a very minor number have been released - it was said that at the rate they are being released, it would take 20+ years for all of them to come out). He might become a martyr of some sort. He might be found guilty of a rape charge in Sweden; who knows. Whatever happens, though, we are likely to see more organizations like WikiLeaks crop up (its already happening, actually). The only way they can stuff this genie back in the bottle would be to shut down the internet, and I don't think that's going to happen.
As far as how or what they will t
Did cr0sh just get snuffed by the men in black suits for knowing too much? :eek::D
Did cr0sh just get snuffed by the men in black suits for knowing too much? :eek::D

You know, I had to read my post a few times; then I read it to the end and LOL!

I really don't know anything more than what I know - everything I posted is more or less what I have gleaned from articles, interviews and the WikiLeaks site. I know what TOR is, and I know that WikiLeaks uses it for its dropbox system (they as much say so on their site).

That little turd at the end - I think I'll leave it, but it was entirely accidental (but oh-so-funny!)...

So cr0sh, any black unmarked helicopters hovering above you? :)

Instead of Step Aside Julian Assange. It's should be; Side Step Ron. hahahaha

:Golf Clap: Ron:D

You successfully leaked the "GW" issue and covered it all up in Dis-information.

"EM" won't let this leak out (ETO will be in lock down). Likely to be expunged from all records.;)

kv hehe
Now most people know what a waste of money most embassy derived intel is. It's mainly just rumor, wild ass guesses of what some loon will do or the mostly obvious facts. Now you know why anything important is NOT shared with these clowns.
Now most people know what a waste of money most embassy derived intel is. It's mainly just rumor, wild ass guesses of what some loon will do or the mostly obvious facts. Now you know why anything important is NOT shared with these clowns.

For supposed "rumor, wild ass guesses of what some loon will do or the mostly obvious facts", these leaks sure have a lot of the world in a tizzy, and US politicians (and I am sure others) calling for Assange's imprisonment -and- assassination. Seems like an overboard response, if these leaks are only rumor, wild-ass guess, or obvious facts, don't you think? Seriously, if that all these leaked cables were, then why did anybody at all bat an eye at their publication? If they were "oh-so-mild" of content, why say anything at all?
What always amazes me is that people in these positions of power never seem to make the connection that doing bad things always always catches up to them at some point and time and they will eventually get found out for the real issues anyway which then makes them look that much worse for having tried to cover it up. :(
For supposed "rumor, wild ass guesses of what some loon will do or the mostly obvious facts", these leaks sure have a lot of the world in a tizzy, and US politicians (and I am sure others) calling for Assange's imprisonment -and- assassination. Seems like an overboard response, if these leaks are only rumor, wild-ass guess, or obvious facts, don't you think? Seriously, if that all these leaked cables were, then why did anybody at all bat an eye at their publication? If they were "oh-so-mild" of content, why say anything at all?

Because politicians are the second lowest form of human life and some belong to the lowest group. What earth shaking fact has come from the latest dump of cables? Is it shocking to know the worlds leaders act like power crazed fools in private or that they grin in your face and then stab you in the back while taking millions in bribes for US favors. It's called the "diplomatic façade" for a reason.
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