Window comparator for high/low temp indicator

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New Member
Good day all. I'm trying to build a simple window comparator circuit that will take an input from a 1kOhm RTD in a solution and when solution is under a specified temp or if the solution is over a specified temp, it will turn-on an LED. I've attached a sketch of what I have. My question is, how do I determine what value the two pots should be, to accomplish this? Thank you


  • windowcomparator.pdf
    41.8 KB · Views: 202
Forgot to add components, sorry: LM324N (quad opamp), 1M-Ohm pot (high temp reference), 10k-Ohm (low temp reference). Input is from a 1K-Ohm RTD sensor. Then the LED's with the current limiting resistors.
Thank you
Hi Ceilingwalker,

I don't see the temperature sensors connected.

Also please use paper with no printed squares on it for a clearer image.

this might help?

got curious as to best achieve this.
Played with different scenarios.
Not knowing what your temp sensor resistance then your going to have to jiggle the resistors values around.
not one of the op amps is reversed from the other.
this schematic should get you started but not complete.


  • temp comparator.PNG
    19.2 KB · Views: 501
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