If M$ gets tricky, becomes too invasive, or charges for updates, it risks banging nails into its own coffin. Punters will only put up with so much before there's a mass exodus to alternative OS's.
alec_t, you are bang-on right .
But they don't seem to care in the slightest about that !
They looked over the garden fence and saw how lush and green the grass was , for Google and for Facebook .
Profits from global data-mining is
massive compared to what MS have been making , and they want some of it ,
.... and W10 is their strategy for getting it .
Their ethics are highly questionable - in that they don't appear to have any !
Anyone who
doesn't have an unlimited broadband package , and has had W10 installed without their express permission
is actually a victim of
theft by MS , and there are now class-action lawsuits against them in several European jurisdictions ,
..... not that they care in the slightest ..... they have a whole zoo full of " Lawyers " on the payroll !!!
And to add insult to injury , default settings in W10 turn your machine into a clandestine , unpaid , local server
for their update and telemetry systems.
.... I wonder how many people spotted
that in the 48 page EULA , before they clicked " Accept " ?