Windows xp embedded

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hi Nigel and friends..

this is simran from india...

I've always wanted to learn Windows XP embedded...

DOes anyone knows anything about it...

any help would be beneficial...


simrantogether said:
hi Nigel and friends..

this is simran from india...

I've always wanted to learn Windows XP embedded...

DOes anyone knows anything about it...

any help would be beneficial...



hi simran,
Just Googled for 'Windows XP embedded', there are lots of sites that explain it in detail.
XP a waste of time for educational purposes, install Linux or BSD if you really want to learn anything.

This isn't just an example of me hating MS, I would apply the same philosophy to Mac OS X (whether there is an embedded version or not I don't know).
simrantogether said:
hi Nigel and friends..

this is simran from india...

I've always wanted to learn Windows XP embedded...

DOes anyone knows anything about it...

any help would be beneficial...


No point really. It'd be more productive to learn how to use a processor and then choose Windows XP as the real-time operating system. Or you could just use Linux for the processor instead. But the valuable thing you'd be carrying away is how to use the processor.
Did I hear XP and real-time operating system in the same sentence. Tee hee hee...

to the OP, what is your goal?

actually i want to learn the things.. new within the industry...

any help is of great use...

i'll also try linux...


embedded internet...

what is embedded internet...?

is it possible to send email through a microcontroller?


what is the purpose of embedded windows XP or embedded linux...?

what are their applications....


They are operating systems.

I don't have any experience of embedded Linux or XP but if my experiences of their desktop counterparts are anything to go on, I'd assume that Windows is easier to deploy, on the other hand Linux is generally more reliable and is infinitely more flexible - being open source you can easily modify it to suit your needs.

OSX is BSD, isn't it?
simrantogether said:

what is the purpose of embedded windows XP or embedded linux...?

what are their applications....

windows xp and linux are operating systems. embedded is just a fancy term meaning they're running on something other than a desktop computer or server. usually embedded devices have no use interface or a very limited user interface, as well as limited IO abilities to connect with external peripherals.

the os that runs a ipod is "embedded" ... the iphone runs some sort of embedded OS-X unix

you could interpret embedded to mean the OS boots off something other than a mechanical disk drive. The linux OS in the linksys wrt54-gl router for example, boots off a flash ram chip.

their applications are simplistic, and usually single tasked. The ipod's OS manages the data stored on the hard drive, and provides an interface to read and write that data.

the linksys's OS manages several ethernet controller chips that provide wireless internet and firewall functions.
i've read...


i've read all comments posted and i found them good..

atleast, i've got the definition of indows xp embedded or linux embedded...


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