winpic800 ver 3.64

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New Member
hi all, iam running windows 98 on a compaq laptop. i just downloaded winpic 800 ver 3.64. the download appears to have been a sucess. iam attempting to download a blink led hex code. the hex code will not load and i get an error message:line0,error in data. i have tried several different hex codes,all with the same result.can anyone help? thanks.
if you post the download link of
1. the win pic 800 ver 3.64
2. the blink led hex code
it will help other who see your thread
winnpic800 ver 3.64

hi bluesam, i got the hex code for a 16f84a from the sticky on electro tech website(newcomers plz read-item 9)pic mcu source files. the link for the winpic 800 download was thier website.
hi bluesam, i got the hex code for a 16f84a from the sticky on electro tech website(newcomers plz read-item 9)pic mcu source files. the link for the winpic 800 download was thier website.

can u shear hear sch winnpic 800 programmer ?
hi, winpic 800 is a system whereby you can download hex files into an mcu. its not a hardware. you can use many programmers with it. such as jdm,etc.
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