WinPicProg website move.

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Nigel Goodwin

Super Moderator
Most Helpful Member
I'm currently moving the WinPicProg site to a different host, so the first URL in my signature will be patchy for a few days while the DNS changes filter through. The second address (where it's currently actually located) will still work fine until I close it down.

Hopefully it should all be sorted by the weekend :?
Just to let you know, the move appears to have gone through now, and WinPicProg is running on a different server. I haven't managed to transfer the old forum data yet, I'm having problems getting it to let me take a backup - but I'm still working on it!.
Hiya Nigel,
Just one thing mate I just tried to login to your forum and it won't accept my login. This just could be a bug while your transferring everything over so I thought I'd let you know.

Cheers and Happy New Year Bryan
bryan1 said:
Hiya Nigel,
Just one thing mate I just tried to login to your forum and it won't accept my login. This just could be a bug while your transferring everything over so I thought I'd let you know.

Cheers and Happy New Year Bryan

Hi Bryan, you'll have to re-register, as I haven't been able to transfer the existing database over 'yet' - you can use the same details, it's essentially blank.
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for the tip on forum and with the other post I made silly me forgot to consult your tutorials first :? But as you stated in your previous post the old forum is still there but I'll re-register tonite in your new forum

Cheers Bryan
bryan1 said:
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for the tip on forum and with the other post I made silly me forgot to consult your tutorials first :? But as you stated in your previous post the old forum is still there but I'll re-register tonite in your new forum

The old one will be shut down, but I'm still trying to get the data off of it :lol:
'Hopefully' I've now got the old data transferred over, including the original user names and passwords.
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