Wire Kit for Battery

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New Member
Can anyone tell me how to wire **broken link removed** kit for battery use? (Please don't say read the PDF data sheet. Trust me, I have.) I would like to use 3 AAA batteries.
Like the guy said on Allaboutcircuits...just give it 5 volts worth of batteries, give or take a little, and see if it works down to 4 volts as the batteries get tired.
Can you take a look at the circuit and help me out with where to connect my battery leads instead of the DC power input?
Can anyone tell me how to wire **broken link removed** kit for battery use? (Please don't say read the PDF data sheet. Trust me, I have.) I would like to use 3 AAA batteries.
First of according to the instructions it needs a minimum of 8V to operate the circuitry. If you want to connect wires the + lead can be connected to the anode of the diode near the power jack(blue square on my addition), the - can be connected to the - of the capacitor near the same diode


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Heres what I've got right now, and it isn't working: The positive lead is on X2, the negative on the other DC input hole.
Regulator is bypassed with a wire jumping the two outside holes together, the middle is left untouched.
Also, I removed the LED because I was unsure of polarity and simply bridged it with a wire.
Anything wrong with that? Why might it not be working?
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