wireless cause inpropriate reading on meter

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New Member
I am doing a project of getting power reading from a meter into a pc via RF module. However I found that wireless transmission has its own power as well. So whenever I try to get my RF module near the meter, even without any load connected to the meter, there is also slight reading on the current and results in power. Can anyone suggest methods to overcome this or theory behind this? Thanks.
I think you have just had a practical demonstration of Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) or rather lack of it!

You do not define what you mean by "meter", I assume that you mean a DMM of some kind.
The probability is that RF is getting onto the signal leads and upsetting the ADC in the meter.
As a first attempt at a fix, try twisting the leads together and decoupling the leads at the input of the meter.


Well, i am implementing a self made watt meter of this:

[Link here]
Shielding costs money so a lot of meters don't have it.

I built a digital speedometer for my '71 Corolla and it worked great but after one day I found that honking the horn at a traffic light caused it to read 60 mph.
The next thing I bought was a metal box.
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