Wireless data transever 2kbps to 19kbps simple

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All data transever lovers has good news i found a circuit of 868 mhz simple circuit can transmitt data rate of 2 to 19 kbps 110kbps.This is hybrid transever see link,pls any one give me the circuit for converting two pin data to 1 pin dual band to single band please.
(TR1001 868.35 MHz Hybrid Transceiver.)
i had another circuit but 434mhz only
Some one rply and tell me how to convert two pin data to 1 pin, 2 to 1 pls,in that circuit it has only 1 input and output , means + data, - data to 1
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I've no idea what you're on about?, there's one input only, and one output only, it's a transceiver.
Ok,bro ,it has only 1 in and output,means only 1 way ,i can send only 1 waydata ,i want to send +data,-data,like usb port has consists + - data signals,i want them to convert to 1way,like dvd player has audio and video sperate,and normal dish cable wire has only 1.Pls do this
It's (presumably) half duplex, to transmit both ways at the same time (full duplex) is a LOT more difficult, and requires completely different designs.

But you're still making no sense, tell us EXACTLY what you're trying to do.
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