Wireless Electric Detonator

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No you need a IR reciver module.Its a small 3 pin device that recives IR signals it demudulates it and sents it out.You could put a transitor on that to give it enugh curent to run a electrnic ignitor(Or hair thin wire around a match)

You can get these reciver modules from apliances that use IR remotes or buy them in a store they are not expensive.Make shure its for 38Khz becuse on that feqency most remotes work.

If you dont want to trasfer data they will work quite a distance but the problem whith them is that if sunlight directly shines on the reviver it may not work becuse the light its blinding it(You try staring at the sun while trying to look at a airplane)
I've got a better idea.
You know those irritating frogs you can get (at least in Australia) where they croak when you walk past?? They make really good proximity detectors for cats!! You can even modify the sensitivity on a lot of them.
Of course, the dog idea does work better. Might be more expensive though!!

how hot does that wire get up to?

it has to be at least 3400F
yah ok, sense i have quick access to a frog right now. i bought fireworks in meheco that when u pull them they blow up. cheap claymore
**broken link removed** what I was talking about earlier on, a simple two transistor transmitter could be used to trigger it, but (as I said before) I wouldn't trust this not to go off if exposed to electromagnetic interference.

tell me in a list of what i need, i need the explosion to b instatl, not me press and hold the button and let it warm up
If you want a cheap reciver get a IR module,a power transistor and a resistor.Cheap becuse the reciver is gona get blown up anyway.

It needs you to be in line of site trough
PapaSmurf said:

tell me in a list of what i need, i need the explosion to b instatl, not me press and hold the button and let it warm up

Use correct english and spelling. And mind your language. A gentleman does not start a letter with a profane salutation. Most of the people helping you may be several times older than you.
Ok so i'm looking for a way to launch model rockets from a 30 inch long predator UAV. I'm looking for something relatively cheap but that will work at long range. I'm not sure how much this thing can hold and still fly good, but i was thinking of attaching 4 mini rockets to it and want to be able to launch each one individually. The plane would be flown in the middle of the Wisconsin country so (im thinking) there will be not to many stray signals. If you have any ideas please reply

To make a bomb that explodes to a certin amount of pressure then you will need something like a rubber sac filled with air with one small opening, and a hose with a valve in the front opening of the hose. Make sure that the hose is thin.melt the opening of the hose and of the air sac together make sure the only air coming out is coming out of the other opening of the hose.Make a wood box out of some kind of plywood leave one SIDE of the box off.Then drill a hole in the top of the box a hole to match the size of the hose.Take a remote unscrew it and cut the wires coming away from the batteries take only the part that holds the batteries cut the rubber around the tips of the wires take some red and black wires cut the ends off them coil the ends around the fuse of the explosive make sure the ends are touching.Make a small aluninum disk that has a crater in the center of the disk put the wires hooked to the fuse and the ones hooked to the batteries into it but they cant touch.Put the hose directly over the crater in between the wires put a small copper ball in the hose where it blocks the air coming out. make sure to put lots of explosives in. nail on the other side barry it not to far under the ground and near the sac.The sac must be partly undergroud and most of it has to be above ground.Now if anyone or anything is going to get messed up if they step on it.
PapaSmurf said:
OK, i suck at computer stuff but i know u guys don't

so hlep me, i need to make an electric wireless detonator to safley ignite explosives from a distance.

Here's a little something I threw together back in 2004!!!

It has 4 outputs capable of switching 30 amps, runs on 9 - 12V, approx 300metres range...
It was originally built to put in a rocket to control the launch and recovery events. Just never got round to using it for its intended purpose.. Now it's used for triggering various pyro related things!!


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Well i guess,,,(should work)

btw im new here,

find where the bell is attached to on the circuit , should be a positive and negative soldering,
then you could swap the bell for what you want to run the charge through .Soo when you press the button to ring the bell it should try and ring it, but instead run the current through whatever you want to use to ignite, the match and nichrome wire would come in handy here,

dno if it works depends how much power u want!

15 years old and playing with explosives, eh? I see that your profile reads as follows:
Location: Orange County, California Interests: Blowing things up Occupation: Snack Shack
Instant Messaging: CombustableSmurf

I'll give you some credit for being partially honest, but this fascination of yours with exploding things for fun (or otherwise) leaves me wondering about your parental supervision and guidance. Oh I've got solutions to your questions, you ain't gonna get 'dem from me! If you would have approached us in a manner such as: "I wish to remotely fire a model rocket from a long, safe distance without the need for a hardwire fire-control unit", perhaps we would have been more helpful.
When I was only 15 years old, my pipe bombs went up like rockets and my rockets exploded.
my model rockets "exploded" just enough to eject the parachute for a good landing.
I built a basic 1 minute timer that switched 1 amp to ignite a model rocket engine out of a pvc pipe that i built like a bazooka and launched it out. It flew beautifully until it almost caught a bush on fire.
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