Wireless HID

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New Member
Hello again..

I'm working on building a new controller for my gaming system. The reason I don't just want to hack or mod an existing controller is I am sure there are always better ways to do almost anything..

In my search of the ole' WWW for circuit boards that could be used in controllers I came across this site: http://www.u-hid.com/home/overview_board.php

But then I starting thinking about making ir wireless. There should be something that can be used in the USB port of the controller circuit board (after it is programed) and a receiver that would go into my gaming system USB port to receive the signal. Similar to that of a wireless mouse.

I found this other piece of information but I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for..

This is the info site: **broken link removed**

This is the company site that made them: http://www.cypress.com

My question is does anyone think this is doable or not? to combine the two circuits and for a wireless controller.

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