Wireless on - off Signal

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New Member
My first post on the forum but I'm after a little help.

I'm no electrical engineer or anything but have some basic knowledge.
What I'm doing is making a touch probe for my CNC machine to be used with mach3 software. Many of them use a cable from the probe to the paraell port, but I want to try a wireless version.

I've attached a very basic drawing which outlines the basic elements I'm after although I'm aware I may need additonal things to get it working. The system works by completing the circuit and when the probe breaks the circuit it assumes it has touched something.

I'm not to bothered what the wireless device is, something fairly cheap, simple, compact.

Any ideas? I'd appreciate the help.


  • Basic Wirless Circuit.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 180
Is this a safety circuit? I wouldn't use wireless for anything involving a safety cutoff.
What do you plan to use the probe for? Tool probing, part probing? Most probes I'm familiar with such as Renishaw or Blum use infrared light to transmit wirelessly. There is a pickup mounted on the machine that can see the tool probe or part probe. As far as safety with these systems, the only thing to be concerned with is to not crash the probe.

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