Wireless Remote Control for Robot Using Bluetooth Technology

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New Member
Hi y'all

for my final year project, i am to Design build and Test a wireless remote control which should be able to run the servos on a robot in both manual and auto mode.

i am still tryna gather as much info as i can. but for now, i have chosen to implement this using the Arduino BT AT mega168 Board.

anyone out dere got suggestions on what other components i might need and also, what my next steps should be from this point?
Well...you need a radio, obviously.

And it sounds like you don't realize you need two radios and two microcontrollers since you need the remote servo driver as well as the control unit.

You don't need much else...the microcontrollers can make the servo PWM control signals on their own and just need a radio so two units can wrelessly communicate with each other. Well, other than some controls of course. Some knobs or joysticks for servo control or maybe a PC interface.
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Given that he wants to use BlueTooth I would expect that he wants to use a PC for the control end. If not then why use such a complex radio protocol ?
Oh, that's what the BT was there for lol. Didn't know that stood for bluetooth.
Oh, that's what the BT was there for lol. Didn't know that stood for bluetooth.
That is understandable. Everyone uses acronyms and expects the rest of the world to know them.
If that's the case with his board...he doesn't even need any components other than the dev board. You can just plug the servos in write some firmware to interpret the BlueTooth commands from the PC into PWM pulses to control the servos, then write the application software on the PC to send the control pulses. No hardware development really.

His wording is a bit vague though. What is "auto-mode"? His wording makes it sound like it should be wireless too which doesn't make a lot of sense if it's in autonomous mode where the robot is running around using it's own sensors. If the robot already exists though, still no hardware development since the sensors are already there.
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thnx for d info. for the remote control I currently have 3 options i am exploring.1. the PC interface (as u have mentioned). 2. using a joystick/knob (which i have recently acquired). 3. building my own Circuit board from scratch, complete with pushbuttons and all.......
could you please inform me on how i would go about interfacing a Joystick with the servos wirelessly if i were to take option 2. also, could u highlight some basic components i might need if i were to take option 3.

now, about the "auto-mode" bit....Yes there is a robot already, but No, it does not have sensors of any sought. what i actually meant by "auto-mode" is its ability to make a series of ALREADY-PROGRAMMED MANOUVERS when a particular button on the remote control is pressed/triggered once. hope its clearer now?.

thnx alot.
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