Wireless signals and displays

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New Member
Hi there, I'm trying to put together a system that can sense vehicles using an induction loop and report back wireless to a central computer. The I'm writing a program that will deal with traffic and parking flow that will ease traffic and give directions and parking information. I want to display this info on a board near the sensor which means sending it wireless back.My understanding is that i can use either a string to light some 7 segment displays or possibly an LCD screen if i use a computer in the system. I already have an analog loop circuit and a basic understanding of xbee chips.

How do I send my signal from the analog circuit and how do I take the data from the terminal, send, it wirelessly, and then have it decoded to either 7 segment LCD's or maybe a monitor?
How much detail are you looking for in terms of where to go with the project?

I would use a microcontroller to handle the display and wireless portions. Once a vehicle has been detected it doesn't need to be an analog signal anymore. Detect the vehicle and transmit its presence digitally.
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