Wirering a programable output on a VSD

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New Member
Hi just a small question

in atached sketch there drawn 2 ways of conecting a medium power transistor to the switched outlet to switch a relay

the only info I have is the max capacity of the internal transistor but nothing more

personaly I think the first option but I am not 100% sure

I prefer to have some confirmation on this

Thanks in advance


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Functionally there is no difference.
However my personal preference is option 2, because the 470ohm resistor is near to its functional position. ie next to the transistor whos base current it is limiting.

Thanks for the reply Jim

the reason that i think for option 1 is that if an accidentily short from the emiter from the VSD transistor would hapen it will not burn out with the resistor in the colector lead of it.

It's just to make it more fool proof

OK, option 1 is fine if that is your preference.

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