Wiring Rocker Switches

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I would like to use a “4 rocker switch” to power the four windows in my car up and down. See photo of front and back of 4 rocker switch attached.

Each window motor has two wires, one for positive, one for negative. If you switch the two, the motor will go in the opposite direction.

How do I wire this switch for each of the four windows? In the past, I have used relays to power the windows. For convenience, I have numbered the terminals on the back of the switch in the middle from left to right 1 through 8. The two bottom terminals are designated from left to right A and B.

I realize that I can hook the two wires for example from the front driver side motor to terminals 1 and 2 on the back of the switch, and do the same for the remaining three of the motors using pins 3 to 8. If I knew what terminals A and B were for, I would be in better shape, but I don’t and I am hoping someone does. Could they be for 12 volts and ground? (FYI, terminal 5 is about a quarter inch longer than the remaining terminals.)

Unfortunately, I have looked for but cannot find a socket for this 4 rocker switch. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to connect the wires to the 10 copper terminals?

Thanks for your help.
John S.


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In all likeliness you pretty much have the wiring. A and B are power and the pairs (1,2) (3,4) etc are motors.

So, it's possible that Position UP might be A to 1, B to 2 and DOWN might be A to 2, B to 1 or vice versa.
LEDs sometimes use a longer lead for polarity designation. So it's possible that + is the long lead: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/polarity/diode-and-led-polarity

Too bad you didn't put a ruler in the picture. You can measure dimensions that way. A pixel is 1/72 of an inch which is also useful.
Hopefully you can find 4 dual connectors and two singles that might fit.
If you get power and ground the wrong way round, you will just get the motors going the opposite way.

A and B are the power and ground, as each leads to top and bottom of each switch. It is a classic reversing switch arrangement.
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